[@Willow Breeze][@KatherinWinter] Brigit smiles as she watches Katherin change into the suit, she looked pretty, like a painting. Just then another girl walks in, their partner from the Kitchen activity. She wears a glum look, as if the world is bearing down on her shoulders. [color=0072bc][b]"Just wait a moment here, Kat."[/b][/color] Brigit types on her tablet and let it play as she gets up to follow the girl. She watches from a distance as to scene that unfolds, the girl just slumps beside the closet and silently cries. Whatever was haunting her had quite a bit of control. Brigit walked silently towards her, crouching down and sitting next to her. She then types into the tablet. [b][color=0072bc]"Anything wrong, Jess?"[/color][/b] as she places a hand on the girl's shoulder to gently shake her out of her misery.