Rachel whipped her head around at the sound of the alarm, as Kid Flash announced the meeting in the war room. She followed him there and listened silently as he formed the teams. She was rather annoyed that he would put her on a roof as a sentry when she was more effective in that building, but kept her complaints to herself. No point starting a fight now, and if things went bad she would be the first one to enter the building, orders be damned. As her teammates came and tried to get a plan together, she simply walked out of the war room and ignored them. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes." She spoke flatly to the room and returned to her bedroom to change into her costume and equip herself. She brought along her daggers and throwing knives, and opted to bring her rifle and a her pistols along. She would have brought her SMGs, but had a feeling the rest her "team" wouldn't be too enthused about her desire to enter that building and fight. [i]That's what I was brought up to do, so don't expect me to do anything else.[/i] She grumbled silently in her mind, before returning to the war room. "I'm ready to leave." She muttered quietly before leaning back against the wall and staring at her teammates, waiting for one of them to make the first move.