Aulfr, turned to her, surprised that she'd lay a hand on him. He did relax as he noted a non-threatening stance, expression, and gesture. He eyed her as she approached, unsure if he wanted to stop her or let her or go farther. He actually felt a brief moment of panic- before he relaxed again when she kissed him. Silently, he screamed at himself- emotion will get in the way, she's technically the enemy who he is now using. But- She was making demands of him! His sleep-addled brain took a moment longer than normal to recognize what she was asking about, before squinting at her, confused and wondering why exactly she wanted to mess with his hair. He absently reached up and felt his hair; brushing his hand against hers as he felt his own hair, he realized that, oh, so it really was long. He frowned slightly at her, unused at someone caring. It wasn't really a Noxan thing to do, cut hair- even the Oberjarl sported a decently-lengthy hair for a man. Her second kiss decided it for him, though he made a show of [i]not[/i] deciding at first. The stared into her eyes, and finally replied, "Fine, you get to 'trim' my hair." The mere act of speaking when she was so close brushed the edges of his lips against hers. She was playing a dangerous game; they both were. He heard movement outside the door, a moment before the latch turned and it started opening. His head whipped over to stare at the entering, now wide-eyed maid, and he immediately pointed and gestured at his bed. Obediently, the maid ducked her head and set the tray of a meal for two on his former sleeping place, and Aulfr ordered, "You saw nothing. Begone."