[center] [h3]TWO WEEKS LATER[/h3] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/the-xmen-roleplay/images/0/0f/Headoffice.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130810050739[/img] [b][u]Location: [/u][/b]Headmaster’s Office [b][u]Interacting With: [/u][/b] Every Single Teacher of Olympus Academy[/center] [hr][hr] The teachers and Headmaster and Headmistress met in the Headmaster’s office[/url] to discuss the developments regarding the case of Vivian Corette. Because of this, the classes have been cancelled so there would be no possible interruptions from any students. Besides, they were all busy probably doing what teenagers and young adults do when they have free time. Inside his office, there were a few bookshelves with each row full of books on the right wall(the first thing one sees when they walk in). Two couches facing each other with a table in the center and a couple of windows overlooking the entire campus of Olympus Academy as well as the forest that is outside of it. Two chandeliers hanging above giving light to the room. There are wooden floors with two maroon rugs - one under the Headmaster’s Ebony wood desk and one under the couches and table. [color=9e0b0f]“You can’t be serious!!”[/color] Roared the Headmaster at his Professors and the Headmistress. Headmaster Mark Henderson wasn’t one to lose his calm. In the years he has served as Headmaster of Olypmus Academy, he’s never once shown as much disappointment and anger as he was showing right now. He never allowed his colleagues to see him emotional like that, but desperate times it was. One of his students were missing. Not only was a student missing under his supervision but she was the child of Apollo, the God of the Sun. Mark didn’t have to try to imagine what would happen if Apollo’s baby girl wasn’t found. It would mean dire consequences for all of the staff. [color=9e0b0f]“How could this happen? It’s been two long weeks of nonstop searching - and we are no closer to finding Vivan than we were the first night of searching.”[/color] Mark said, hands slamming against his desk, the sound of it booming through his office and into the ears of the Headmistress and other teachers. [color=00746b]“Mark, please--”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]“What Celina!? Would you have me lower my voice because it’s ‘not proper of me’?!”[/color] Mark snarled at Celina, the Headmistress. [color=00746b]“No, I wouldn’t,”[/color] She said simply, [color=00746b]“you just need to keep in mind that these walls are thin and those lovely kids, Dallas and Delilah are probably nearby.”[/color] Celina laughed at the thought of those two, “in fact, I’m positive that they’re right outside your doors, listening to every word.” [color=9e0b0f]“Those two,”[/color] Mark laughed,[color=9e0b0f]” they’ve been the first - and last - of the students to be apart of the search parties.”[/color] [color=39b54a]“And you’re surprised, Headmaster?”[/color] Said Miguel Neelson, one of the Power Usage and Control teachers. [color=39b54a]“Dallas is Vivian’s older brother and that Delilah is the best friend of the girl in question.”[/color] Miguel stated, [color=39b54a]“I would be alarmed if they [I]weren’t[/I] the first and last on the scene.”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]“That’s true.”[/color] Mark simply said. [color=00746b]“That Delilah - she’s the daughter of Demeter. She’s an interesting one, for sure.”[/color] Celina smiled. In an effort to get attention back on the purpose of the meeting, Mark cleared his throat. [color=9e0b0f]“I think it’s time I get to what I called you all here for.”[/color] Mark said, seeing all the faces of the teachers look at him curiously. [color=9e0b0f]“We need to find out who is behind the kidnapping.”[/color] He said, looking to all of the teachers. [color=9e0b0f]“I have reason to believe that it’s someone on the campus.”[/color] Each and every one of the teachers looked at each other confusingly. [color=00746b]“And what makes you think that, Mark?”[/color] Celina inquired. [color=9e0b0f]“Olympus Academy is one of the most-guarded places in the entire Earth, only second to the portal of Mount Olympus itself. Added to that, only someone with knowledge of how to get past the barrier past the forest that surrounds it would know how pass it by without detection.”[/color] Mark said, explaining his theory about who might be behind the kidnapping of Vivian Corette. [color=39b54a]“An interesting theory, Headmaster.”[/color] Miguel said, finding it both interesting and intriguing. [color=39b54a]“What makes you sure about this?”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]“It’s just a feeling.”[/color] Miguel looked at Mark as if trying to judge if there was truly something more to what he was revealing, like if there was more to his theory than what he was saying. [color=9e0b0f]“Until I find out more information and I get a more grounded grasp of the situation and who might be behind this, keep the tidbit about the kidnapping possibly being an inside job to yourselves.” [/color]Mark said firmly to every one of the teachers. And with that, every single one of the teachers made their way out of Mark’s office, and soon the building. However, Celina stayed with Mark, looking at him. [color=9e0b0f] “What do you want, Celina?” [/color]Mark asked as he took a seat at his desk chair, leaning back in it. He reached for a bottle of 50 year-old scotch and poured himself a glass. [color=9e0b0f]"Would you like one."[/color] Celina waved her hand, signaling she didn't. Celina’s back was turned to Mark and she slipped on an odd black glove with a eerie red glow to it. [color=00746b]“How long have you known?”[/color] She asked Mark. [color=9e0b0f]“I’m sorry?”[/color] Mark confusingly asked, half-interested in what she was saying and half-focused on the glass of scotch he was about to down. [color=00746b]“About it being an inside job - how long have you known?”[/color] She asked mark, turning around, but the glove hand was behind her back. [color=9e0b0f]“What are you on about, Celina? How long have I known about what?”[/color] Mark lazily leaned forward onto his desk, his left arm supporting his head.” [color=00746b]“About me - and how my organization kidnapped that dear Vivian.”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]“Wha--”[/color] Before he could even get out a single word, Celina brought for the glove arm from behind her back. The red, pulsating energy surrounding the black glove was then sent into Mark’s chest, outlines of black energy journeying rapidly through his body. Against his silver and black suit, the red energy was rather noticeable, especially with the lighting in the room. [color=9e0b0f]“But..why..”[/color] As she leaned in, Celina smiled evilly at Mark. [color=00746b]“Because, [i]Headmaster[/i], the Gods need to know what real pain feels like.”[/color] She said as she would slowly remove her glove from Mark’s chest. [color=00746b]“We were chosen to teach their children - and for what exactly? So these self-entitled brats can go live some righteous lives with all of the money in the world. And what about us, huh? The lesser beings? Are we supposed to just sit back while they get pampered?"[/color] She said with such anger and such rage in her voice. [color=00746b]"That won't happen - and the organization I work for won't stand by it either."[/color] She said, looking at Mark, trying to make him understand. [color=00746b]"I will make these gods see that we will stand for this no more. We, the lesser beings, will ascend above the gods and even the Titans.”[/color] As she finished speaking, Mark’s body had disappeared from his chair in a red swirl of hellish energy. Smiling, Celina cleaned up the office to get rid of any traces of the Headmaster. First, she cleaned up the remains of the energy that would undoubtedly retain traces of Mark’s essence. If led unattended, it would come back to bite her in the ass. It was better safe than sorry, after all. Second, Cecile would surround her arm a rather sharp coating of a red energy-like substance and run it softly on her black and red pantsuit and her face. She wanted to sell the image of her getting attacked. The most she did was have tears on her clothing and cuts scattered around her face, chest, and legs. When Celina was done with what she was doing, she unleashed such a loud scream that it was heard in a five yard radius. No doubt all of the teachers heard it and they all made their way to the Headmaster’s office to see what was the source of it. When they arrived, they would see Cecile intelligently sitting on the ground. [b]"Headmistress!"[/b] Shouted almost every single one of the teachers as they rushed to her side. As they all saw the cuts and tears on her body, they couldn’t make heads or tails of it. [color=00aeef]“What happened to you? Are you okay?”[/color] Asked John as he was the one closest to her. Putting on a show of a distraught woman, Celina faked being shocked. [color=00746b]“The headmaster…” [/color]Cecile said, her arm shaking as she pointed towards the Headmaster’s desk. That prompted everyone to look at the desk. [color=00aeef]“Where is he?”[/color] Asked John, looking at Celina with a concerned look on his face. [color=00746b]“I only came back to see if he needed anything and then I saw it..”[/color] [color=00aeef]“What Celina? What did you see?”[/color] [color=00746b]“It was hideous. It had a face like no other..”[/color] Cecile said, her words stuttering and scattered. [color=00746b]“It had the Glove.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“What Glove.”[/color] [color=00746b]“The Glove of Nightmares.”[/color] And then there was silence in the room and then gasps of fear. [color=00aeef]“You mean [I]that[/I] glove - the one that Hades himself deemed too powerful. The same glove that was locked away into Zeus’ most-guarded treasury, The Forbidden Locker..?”[/color] [color=00746b]“That’s the one.” [/color]Celina said, shaking. However, on the inside, she was grinning and laughing that the professors were actually falling for what she was telling them. [color=00aeef]“This changes everything. If the Glove of Nightmares was really stolen, then things are far worse than the headmaster or any of us thought it would be.”[/color] John said as he stood up and looked to everyone. [b] "What about the students?" [/b]Said a bunch of the teachers one after another. John looked at Lucille and thought about it. [color=00aeef]“We tell them about the Headmaster, but keep the news about the Glove to ourselves. We don’t want to freak them out even more than they already are.”[/color] John said and everyone gave their own form of agreement on the plan. Telling the students would only cause even more worry than preferred. And so they disassembled, each going back to their huts. John stayed with Celina, comforting her in any way that she would need. All the while, Celina, inside, was smiling that it actually worked, but even more importantly, she was getting closer and closer to her organization’s plans. [color=00746b][I]Only a few more and The Rising shall begin..[/I][/color] [hr] [center][h3][color=springgreen]Jeremiah Howard Tomers[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QB4pKgr.gif[/img] [b][u]Location: [/u][/b]Olympus Academy Campus(just getting out of the first class) and then the Parking Lot [b][u]Interacting With: [/u][/b] Clarissa Price [@GoddessSophia][/center] [hr][hr] If there was anything consistent with Olympus Academy, it was the fact that bad things seemed to be happening left and right. First the disappearance of Vivian - and the many nights of searching for her. Then, the same thing happening to the Headmaster. Jay was in disbelief. Jay really couldn’t focus on his first class. He didn’t even bother showering or putting anything worth noting on. All that he had on was a pair of slate black jeans and a grey, long-sleeve shirt. His hair was in ponytail and balled up at the end. He was still too worried about who could be next. If the Headmaster - who wasn’t even a Demigod - wasn’t safe, what did that say about the ones that actually were of godly blood? How long until one more was taken? One week? Two weeks? Maybe a month at the longest. Did the professors really think it really mattered that classes should continue? Honestly, Jay felt that classes were the least of his worries. Jay didn’t know what he would do if any of his other friends were taken. Taking out his phone, Jay went to Clarissa’s name. [center][color=springgreen][b]To:[/b] Clarissa [b]From:[/b] Jay [b]“Hey, it’s Jay. Whenever you get out of your first class, can you meet me by the Apartments Parking Lot?”[/b][/color][/center] As Jay pressed sent, he leaned up against what seemed to look like a [url=http://images.gtcarlot.com/pictures/10059314.jpg]dark green Sedan[/url], possibly a 2004 edition. The bigger question, possibly, was why Jay was leaning against a car in the first place and what was he planning? [center][h3][color=007ba7]Harvey Nathaniel Blake[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nI4epl1.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy Campus - Physical [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Raven Dameon [@WhiteStar19] [/center][hr][hr] Physical Training sucked. It wasn’t because of the physically-demanding activities; Harvey liked those. No, it was more about who was in charge. To Harvey’s great displeasure, those who taught the class were complete fucktards. Ezekeiel acted as if he knew what was ‘proper’ form and what wasn’t. Like he knew anything about what to do when working out. Just because the ladies were all over him as if he was some great greek god or something. [color=007ba7]“Psht, that bitch isn’t shit.”[/color] Harvey said, with a nasty expression on his face. It was as if it were one that gave off great anger or disgust towards something - or someone. Harvey didn’t even care about the news spreading about the Headmaster disappearing, most likely by that kidnapper around. To Harvey, it didn’t matter because, if some kidnapper wanted to come at him, he’d welcome him or her. If they had the nerve to pick one of the most rowdiest and most violent of the Demigods, then they were aiming to have an early funeral. Continuing walking, Harvey stopped as he came to the view of a hot piece of ass, Raven Dameon, Daughter of Hermes. He took off in a jog to catch up to her. As he reached her, he slyly slowed to a walk and put his left arm around her. [color=007ba7]"Hey girl, you're looking as fine as Egyptian Silk."[/color] He said with a confident grin.