[quote=@Galgarion] I like the D6 version, as it actually balances out force users really well, yeah, you can be all powerful in the force and that can help you do lots of stuff, but you could still (potentially) be taken down by some normal guy who has just devoted his life to learning to fight really well with his blaster, made it his whole career. Like Boba Fett or something [/quote] Doing chores and watching Clone Wars, but I'll get to looking at that soon. It's my day off, so expect me to be around, generally. [quote=@TheUnknowable] I would like to play as a Jedi or Sith, but if both orders were almost gone, I think that other force traditions would arise to fill the gap. If nothing else, Force sensitives would have come across, if not searched for, knowledge of the ancient orders. You could even say that the Force led them to the info. In my case, I was thinking that either I was born on Dathomir and originally learned their force tradition (or for a Jedi character, I was raised by a Gray Paladin) or, maybe, I was a force-sensitive archaeologist that found a sith holocron in a dig on Korriban. [/quote] Yes, other traditions are going to exist, but a great deal of the galaxy is like Han in Hope. They think the whole Force thing is some old religion, and don't necessarily believe in it. For one thing, I don't rabidly hate the prequels like a lot of Star Wars fans(they weren't great movies, but let's not discuss it) but I do really think they ruined our previous notions of what the Jedi and the Force were like. They made it look grand and ubiquitous in the galaxy, but in Hope we get a lot of dialogue that suggests that even then not everyone believed in it. Even well educated Imperial officers: [quote]Admiral Motti: Don’t try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels’ hidden fortress… [/quote] So that's the sort of place we're jumping from. There would definitely be force traditions, but most of them are viewed like Obi was by Uncle Owen(or, you know, how he pretended to view Obi). And there's nothing Galaxy, or even star-system wide. They would be local, maybe well respected on some outer rim planet, or maybe even just seen as some cult sect. It's a reasonable place for a character to come from, though. And in fact, if you want to take up that co-GM post and play opposite me, your archaeologist might even be our Sith Lord.