[center][h3][color=00a99d]Serafina Lewison[/color][/h3] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy campus [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] No one[/center][hr][hr] In all her years at Olympus Academy, nothing like this had ever happened. First Vivian, and now the Headmaster? Something was very wrong. Every day, Serafina joined the search parties, and every day, she checked on everyone she knew. The kidnapping of Vivian had made her fearful; if one of her children was kidnapped, Hera's daughter would unleash a mother's rage on whoever did it. [i]No one[/i] messed with her children. No one. However, Serafina was so focused on taking care of everyone else that she failed to take care of herself. She did her best to make sure that no one was out by themselves, but would walk from class to class by herself, and carried no weapon other than a hunting knife. After all, she didn't like violence. In addition, she didn't think much of herself. Why would someone attack her? There were much more useful people on campus. Prettier people, people with better skills. Summoning peacocks would not be very helpful. It was when she was walking aimlessly that it happened. A hand went over her mouth, holding a rag soaked in... something. An arm grabbed her around the middle. Serafina tried to shriek, but the sound was muffled, and her attempts to get away were fruitless. Whatever was on the rag was starting to make her sleepy. There was no way she could escape, but maybe she could alert someone of her disappearance. One hand went to her ear, taking out one of her ever-present earrings. She wore them every day; almost no one saw here without them. Then it was over. Serafina's limp body was bundled into a car, and one blue earring lay abandoned on the ground, twinkling forlornly.