Aulfr knew there would now be a great many rumors circulating- but it could not be helped. People wouldn't dare speak out against him, anyways, except for the more powerful Jarls. Especially now, whatwith every Jarl that said something against him being dead, now. Either way, Aulfr Volsung was going to be a well-discussed person, and regardless of whether or not the rumors are good or bad, it's apparent that he's not to be messed with. And with such a good political standing, and suddenly this... he felt as if the next year or so would be a good one. Not as he'd tell anyone that, of course. Especially not Aleksandra... because of reasons. He watched her carry the tray to his- or their, since the room is just as much hers, now- table, and serve both of them. Taking a seat, he acted perfectly normal- he dug into his food, occasionally glancing up and meeting her stare for several seconds, before looking down to eat again. It looked that he was entirely normal, as if he wasn't having a romance. But he was placid, and just as silent as she was. He was, despite not appearing to be so, hyperalert and listening to any possible sound she might make, watching her out of the corners of his eyes. So he took a seat where she designated, and said nothing, absently wondering [i]why[/i] he was like so. But for now, he was content with going along with it. He could figure it out later. He only gave a small nod in response to her; otherwise, he just sat still as she started running her fingers through his hair, snipping at it. He vaguely realized that he had closed his eyes, and grown oddly relaxed. For a moment, he wondered why, and then dismissed it- and very reluctantly admitted to himself that this was the most contented he had felt in a long time. Even when sleeping, when he was very unconsciously using her as a pillow and as comfort, he wasn't this relaxed. It was even more pronounced when she started humming- muscle that has been long knotted slowly unwound, hearing the distantly familiar tune of the songs his mother once taught him. He let out a small sigh as he slumped slightly, in the seat, no longer tensed at all. He could do with this more often, he thought.