[b]Akane Hanazawa // Strawman Hospital // ER > Head Doctor's Office[/b] Sunday, May 31st, 2015 It was an amusing end to say the least. After a successful rush, Rui managed to hit the shadow's arm which in turn caused the saw to fly high into the air before coming down and impaled him, leaving it bloodied as it dissolved like the others. [i]Talk about Anti-Climactic... [/i] With their opponent now, they moved forward. They soon came upon a door with a sign that read 'Staff Members Only', ignoring it they continued on. As if continuing the cheap horror movie act, the hallway beyond the door was dark with only dim, flickering lights keeping it from being pitch-black. [color=9e0b0f][b]"They're laying it on quite thick, now aren't they?"[/b][/color] she muttered to herself. After walking for what seemed like forever, they finally came upon a door. With confirmation from Megumi, it seems like they were finally at the end. [color=9e0b0f][b]"So the final boss is beyond those doors, hmm?"[/b][/color] About time. Taking a moment to prepare themselves for the final battle, they all nodded and pushed past the doors. Beyond the doors was a normal doctor's office [i]....or at least that would be what I'd like to say but...[/i] Everything was tall, outrageously tall. In the room was a boy, one she assumes is the one that they were here to say. [i]And that one...[/i] At the end of her gaze was a tall shadow sitting ontop of the desk wearing doctor's garb and holding a clipboard. [i]...Must be his shadow.[/i] Looking at the thing, it was without a doubt one of the creepiest things she has seen and as it rose from the desk, it kept getting taller and taller and taller. Just to glance at its face caused strain on their necks from how high they had to look up. If that wasn't enough, the bastard also seemed to be in control of a few puppets the size of a human being. Just as they ran to the boy and took a stance, a puppet flew right over Rui but he managed to stop it. Though, after he did so did they take note as more 'puppets' began appearing and what could be seen as trash started coming together as puppets. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Seriously?"[/b][/color] she stared on in disbelief. Even the one Rui defeated started reforming. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Don't tell me that they won't be defeated until the big guy falls..."[/b][/color] With a sigh, she gave an affirmative as she summoned Setanta. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Let's go make that path."[/b][/color] With that, she charged in with yet another Killrush.