[quote=@Esterdi] Kk, so Collected Company Melira/Anafenza combo and Splinter Twin are out. I'll go with this, then: [hider] [b]Name:[/b] Coren Shrewdcore [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]History:[/b] Coren was an artist and an artificer on the plane of Kaladesh. Talented and skilled, he was often commissioned by the Consuls to construct thopters and remote explosives for the military. One day, while working on thopter drones, he was assaulted in his workshop by an assassin hired by insurgent forces. While he was able to defeat the assassin, he was left bleeding on the floor, near dead. Just before he blacked out, his spark awakened, and sent him whirling through the Eternities. When he woke up, Coren found himself on the plane of Esper, being tended to by some etherium servants. Because of the extent of his wounds, a section of his chest had to be reinforced with etherium, but Coren found it easier to channel mana this way, and was thankful to his saviours. At present, Coren travels across Alara, fulfilling esperite interests with his magic and artifice, and in his spare time, explores planes outside of Alara. [b]Personality:[/b] Coren is a calm, collected and meticulous individual. Studious and greatly interested in artifice, he will stop and learn about new contraptions on whatever plane he's on at the moment, prioritizing it over his main mission. Due to his sense of duty, he will repay those who have greatly help him in the past. Other than that, he doesn't really care much for others, and is capable of doing great harm to those that are in his way, whether innocent or otherwise. He doesn't have any particular sense of humour or quirks of character. [b]Appearance:[/b] Coren is a 5'11", slender, beardless bloke with pale skin, black eyes and short, straight, black hair. He usually wears a blue monocle on his left eye and a blue longcoat, with a black shirt, black trousers, and black boots. When bare-chested, you can notice silvery mechanical parts that have replaced his right ribcage and lung. He also wears a belt with various instruments, and sometimes, black tinkering gloves. [b]Abilities:[/b] As a planeswalker that can call on blue mana and a bit of black, Coren is able to channel from local underground streams, lakes, bosks, and swamps, as well as from similar places of Kaladesh and Esper, remotely. He doesn't have special mind magic or death magic, he fights mostly with summons, mostly artifact creatures. Mentally, he is very good at tactics, and at reading the gameplan of the opposition. [b]Library:[/b] Lands 4 x Darksteel Citadel 4 x Blinkmoth Nexus 4 x Inkmoth Nexus 4 x Island 1 x Ghost Quarter Creatures 2 x Memnite 4 x Ornithopter 4 x Signal Pest 4 x Vault Skirge 4 x Arcbound Ravager 1 x Spellskite 3 x Etched Champion 1 x Master of Etherium Noncreature Spells 4 x Mox Opal 4 x Cranial Plating 3 x Springleaf Drum 4 x Thoughtcast 4 x Ensoul Artifact 1 x Dismember Sideboard 2 x Gut Shot 2 x Spellskite 2 x Mana Leak 2 x Spell Pierce 2 x Torpor Orb 1 x Dismember 1 x Etched Champion 3 x Hurkyl's Recall [/hider] [/quote] Sorry, I wasnt fully clear. I meant for you to include Planeswalker Abilities such as actual Planeswalker cards have in the abilities section along with the info you included.