[center][h3][color=skyblue]Zeke Carter[/color][/h3] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/835058f5c297c63f255b061793da71c3/http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd510/GlaDos92/ChemoFacebutwithnofacialhair_zpsec022caa.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Apartment [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] No One[/center][hr][hr] Zeke was in his apartment, furiously hitting his punching bag. All the disappearances on campus was giving him a bad taste in his mouth. If things like this was going on, the staff should just send everyone home where it was probably safer. But no, classes continued as always. What bull shit. Most of the kids here were freaking out or upset at losing their friends, and it just was not right for them to keep them here. For once, it was not just Zeke being Zeke and wanting classes to be cancelled for the sake of not going to class. This was an emergency and they should be doing something about it! Upgrade securities, let kids leave, or even actually give them more fucking information on what the hell is going on! He was tired of being worried whether or not his sister or Cori or any one of his friends were being taken. Before he knew it, he destroyed another one of his punching bags. [color=skyblue][i]"I think I need some fresh air."[/i][/color] He grabbed his usual varsity jacket and headed out the door. Maybe Dallas would want to hang out or something, that is, if he wasn't too busy looking for his sister. [color=skyblue][i]"Damn poor guy. His sister has been missing for two weeks now... I should do my best to help him out..."[/i][/color] he thought, remembering his friend's situation. He didn't know what he himself would do if Stella was taken. But Dallas for the most part, was staying strong. Always on the search yet never seeming to give up on hope. It sure was admirable of him. Zeke made up his mind and decided to volunteer for the next search party. Or maybe he would act as an escort for any of the students who were feeling unsafe. He'll play his part in this too and help out anyway he can.