[center][h3][color=red]Clarissa Nikolina Price[/color][/h3] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/aa9249fdcb8ef53828fbe2c9f9720459/tumblr_mqvd0qW5RH1regz06o1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] First Lesson *Power Control and Usage* then The Campus *Parking Lot* [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Skye Woodsen and Jay Tomers [@Altered Tundra][/center][hr][hr] It had been two weeks since Vivian was kidnapped; Clarissa still didn't know what to make of it. They have not always gotten along, but Vivian wasn't a bad person; she didn't deserve that fate...she could only image what hell Dallas and Delilah were going through. No one had found her yet, it was almost like she just vanished from the face of the earth. And now with the head-master missing; things were really getting more dangers. Out of hand even. Clarissa wondered, just how much worse things would get, before they could get any better. A part of her, wondered if the Gods and Goddess knew about this....surely they must have known their children were in danger. At least, she knew her mum would care enough if something...god forbidden happened to her or Skye. As Clarissa sat in her first class of the day; she was bored out of her mind. She was unsettled and didn't really want to be there. She just wanted to make sure Jay was okay; those two had a habit of checking up on each other pretty much every day....more often than that. But for the sake of her brother, Clarissa put up with the class. She managed to keep Skye in the class, or with him running out of every class possible; he'd fail the school year. So she was doing her best to keep an eye on him, so he didn't pass out. Feeling her phone buzz, Clarissa took out her phone seeing a text from Jay. [color=blue] [b]"Ooohh...Lover boy texting you, sis?"[/b] [/color] Skye teased, Clarissa could feel his breath tickle her skin. Clarissa looked at her brother, raising a slight eyebrow at Skye [color=red] "Must you always, irritate me and bug me, Skye?" [/color] she rolled her eyes slightly. She then began to text Jay back. [center] [color=red] [b]To:[/b] Jay [b]From:[/b] Clarissa 'Hey, Sure of course. I'll be there after class. I missed you all morning xox' [/color] [/center] Skye couldn't help but chuckle at his sister; before his lips curled up into a teasing yet charming smile [color=blue][b] "Oh, you know you love me, sis."[/b] [/color] wrapping his arm around her, he gave her a squeeze. Clarissa smiled softly, but shook her head at her annoying, yet loving brother. After Class ended; Clarissa gathered up her things and walked out of the classroom so she could go and meet Jay at the parking lot. It took a while to shake Skye off of her shoulders, who had an endless amount of questions. Leaving Skye behind, the Son of Aphrodite pouted slightly but called after his oh so dear sister [color=blue][b] "Tell cutie-face, I said Hi!"[/b] [/color] he yelled after his sister, trying to make sure she heard him. Hearing her brother; Clarissa slapped her forehead, shaking her head. God...why did Skye have to be so embarrassing sometimes? She was just glad that Jay did not hear, his new nickname. Even if it was somewhat fitting. Clarissa finally reached the parking lot, where Jay was waiting for her. She smiled warmly as she saw him there; joining him she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. [color=red] "Hey...is everything okay?" [/color] she asked him softly, wondering why he wanted to meet her here. [color=red] "Sorry, I am a bit late. Skye was being annoying...as always. He says hi by the way." [/color] she told him with a soft smile, before she noticed the car that Jay had been leaning against. A confused and curious look crossed her face. She couldn't help but wonder what he was doing with that car...