[center][img]http://i.giphy.com/11PVBoY8hqUCDS.gif[/img] [h3][color=turquoise]Raven Daemon[/color][/h3] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Campus [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b]Harvey Nathaniel Blake [@Altered Tundra][/center][hr][hr] "[i]Au clair de la lune/On n'y voit qu'un peu/On chercha la plume/On chercha du feu/En cherchant d' la sorte/Je n' sais c' qu'on trouva/Mais je sais qu' la porte/Sur eux se ferma,[/i]" Raven murmured under her breath, listening to the music with her eyes shut as she tried to line up the tone and the lyrics with the place in the music. Physical training had just gotten done and she was heading back to her dorm. No matter how much she hated the place, she would rather not be kidnapped and shoved into a van by some freaks, even though she was considered one herself. Sighing, she shut the locket and placed it back under her shirt. Shoving her hands into her pockets, she continued to walk when she suddenly felt an arm snake around her shoulders. Rolling her eyes, as she knew who it was, she turned and saw Harvey's handsome face there. She shook her head at him, grabbed his wrist, and moved it off her shoulders. "[color=turquoise]Don't you ever run out of pick-up lines? You've tried one on me so many times it's making my head spin.[/color]" She smiled sweetly at him. Blonde hair wisps flew out of her long braid as the wind picked up slightly. She walked her fingers up his shoulder and placed her hand lightly on it, getting up on her tip-toes to get closer to him. "[color=turquoise]There's something very important that I need to tell you, Harvey,[/color]" she said quietly. Her voice had gone into a seductive like tone, a slippery smile coming onto her face. She placed her other hand on his other shoulder and used them as leverage to get even with his ear. Her lips curved into a small smile as she said, "[color=turquoise]Kindly fuck off.[/color]" Dropping back down to her feet, she winked at him.