Name: Handemere Levin IV (Goldeneye)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Gear: A small satchel filled with various Apothecary items, a small black colander, a worn flint and steel, damp tinder, a large cloak, much too large to fit now, and a small dagger with a jade handle, and a bright truesilver blade, engraved “Levin”.

Skills: A small boy specializing in alchemy with silent feet and an even more silent blade. A rouge Like fighting style, Handemere imbues his weapons with deadly poisons if the means to do so are there, otherwise he is an exceptional scout.

Physical Description: A small boy, no taller than 5 foot 3 inches tall, Handemere has large blue eyes, with a hazel ring around the outside, often giving him the look of surprise. Wearing the colors of his late family, dark green, with gold lining, and black riding boots that are two sizes to big, resulting in his signature look of barefoot. His dagger is sheathed between his leg and left boot, as he favored his left side due to only having three fingers on his right hand. 

Personality: Handemere is a quiet and resolved boy, being the youngest of 3 brothers, and the supposed final heir to his family’s name he often is very analytical, but quiet. Although past tragedy does plague his mind, he is a lighthearted boy, with a positive outlook on life, he can take a joke, and dish out some pretty funny retorts as well. For only being fourteen, he is beyond mature, knowing the weight of his decisions not only affect his life, but can affect the lives of those around him. 

History: Small boy of the Levin clan, father being Handemere Levin I and each of his son carried his father’s name. They were a relatively privileged family, not ever needing any more, and never wishing for any less, until the youngest brother was born. The Levin Clan was known for their skills in harvesting herbs, creating powerful brews to cure sickness, and one of the best brandy’s in all the land. Buisiness became scarce after the birth of the third Levin boy, as the essential herbs to most remedies began vanishing from the immediate area, at this time the oldest of the Levin brothers began delving in the creation of poisons to help make some money to feed his brothers, the backdoor buisiness held for 12 years, but the angst and blame for the twist in the families path was still placed heavily on the youngest boys shoulders. On the youngest boys 14th birthday, a tragic accident happened, where he lost his mother. Blamed for the death of their mom, and with their father out looking for proper herbs to cure the cancer in his body, Handemere Levin IV was banished by his brothers from their homestead, given nothing but a cloak, and a days worth of rations. Handemere ran and ran but tired not far from the outer boundaries of the house when he smelled smoke. Reinvigorated with fear Handemere made a mad dash to the house, to find the whole thing was up in flames. There were two howls of life escaping the flesh, and the flames suddenly vanished. Charging into the house the boy found his brothers burnt to a crisp clutching a small box. Above their bodies, “Death to the Levins” burnt into the wooden wall. Grabbing the Box and a small satchel with what various items still survived the blaze, Handemere the IV mounted his horse, and rode towards the nearby town of (Insert town name?) He knew his father was alive, He just knew it.

Other: There was one instance in which Handemere became enraged and fell into a deep slumber, near comatose, although the instance was unknown to Handemere, and any evidence of it died with his brothers. 

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