Name: Annelie Durant 

Age: 27 

Gender: Female 

Race: Human

Gear: Armor, two hand sword, small knife and backpack containing basic survival items.  

Skills: Skilled with large swords. Physically strong from years of hard training. Thrives in close combat battles.  

Physical Description: Annelie is fairly tall and muscular. Long, light brown hair, usually braided or otherwise kept out of the way in a bun or ponytail. Bangs at the front, swept to the side. Whisky eyes with a almond shaped face. Thick eyebrows. Has a small gap between her front teeth.

Usually dressed in heavy armor, as her job as a city guard requires. Dons a comparably lighter armor while traveling or when not on active duty. When relaxed at home, she wears simple clothes, mostly because she can't afford anything more fancy. 

Personality: Calm and collected, but not one to say no to a good time. Due to her chosen profession, she's disciplined and likes to have her life in order. She's content following rules. Dreamed of adventures and travels when she was younger, but life and hardships have made her settle for a life of routine and order. Doesn't often question. Loyal and friendly, as long as no one's rude.  

History: Born in a faceless city where nothing worth mentioning has ever happened. Her father worked as a tailor, while her mother was a miller. The family never had much to get by on, but managed to live a relatively content life, despite the constant fear of living under Kaaos harsh rule. ”"One should be happy not to be on the streets"”, her mother often said. Annelie was restless in her teen years, feeling trapped in a meaningless life with no escape from boredom. She often got into fights and rebelled against authority. 

A big turnaround in her life came when the city was attacked when she was 14. The city guard defended the city with courage, but still enemies managed to get inside the walls. The streets were filled with screams and terror, and Annelie could do nothing but hide. She'd never felt more helpless in her life. She was discovered by two of the attackers. Just as she thought her life was over, she was saved by a captain of the guard. 
In the end, the enemies where defeated and driven out of the city. But it was not a happy victory. There were many casualties, among them Annelie's father, who'd been attacked, brutalized and killed in his shop. 

Overcome by grief, Annelie struggled, until she by chance was confronted by the guard captain who'd saved her life. She was offered a place in the guard, and she accepted. She settled well in the military life, and came to embrace it. It gave her life meaning, and furthermore, it offered her a chance to never be helpless again. 

Other: She wears a memorial necklace from her father. It serves as a reminder of both him and as a motivator to always train and push herself harder. The incident with her father also made her even more bitter towards Kaaos rule, as the city had received no help what so ever in their time of need. Rumors even went around that the attack had been sanctioned by Kaaos.