[@Diabolicalrhapsody] Jess feels a gentle touch on her shoulder, "Anything wrong, Jess?" asks a concerned voice. She looks up and sees Brigit siting beside her. Jess hates for anyone to see her cry - to see her look weak. She has gotten pretty good at hiding it from the world, but right now, she is helpless. Jess lets out a sob - a small gasp, she clinches her eyelids shut, savoring her moment of solitude. [color=ed1c24][i]Don't talk to her, she doesn't care about you...[/i][/color] Jess shakes her head sadly, "I... I ju-..." she sighs, "I just..." She can't even finish without the tears welling up in her eyes once more. "It's my past. This brings up so many memories and I just can't deal with it right now. I don't know what to do... And here I am just rambling on and on to you. I can't even stand letting people see me cry and here I am... I don't even know you." She hides her head in her hands. At this point Jess is shaking uncontrollably from the stress.