[@Willow Breeze] Brigit silently wrapped her arm around the other girl that shook ever so mildly as a sob slipped upon her query before she let the dam break and tears flew down freely. Almost everyone here wasn't coming from a happy place in their little lives and Brigit understood that it was through each other that maybe they can find a modicum of inner peace. She hugged the girl closer as she sobbed and tenderly kissed her forehead, as Jess questioned about her sudden release of emotion Brigit took the tablet and typed in slowly. [color=0072bc][b][b]"Well, since Katherin there can't see. I'd say that you are the only one in this house that has looked at me like this."[/b][/b][/color] she said, obviously pointing out to the numerous visible scars that marred her beautiful skin. Cuts big and small covered almost each inch of her body upto her shoulders and down her back, yet Brigit let out a warm smile. She was incapable of feeling physical pain but she could empathize what a wounded heart felt like.