[center][h3][color=skyblue]Zeke Carter[/color][/h3] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/835058f5c297c63f255b061793da71c3/http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd510/GlaDos92/ChemoFacebutwithnofacialhair_zpsec022caa.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Apartment [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Dallas Relos through text [@Plank Sinatra] and Anyone that would have Zeke's number[/center][hr][hr] Zeke had just reached the school grounds when he got a text from Dallas. Huh, what a coincidence. He pulled out his phone out of his pocket to see waht Dallas had to say. Apparently it was a group chat with an attached file. Zeke plugged in his earbuds and began to listen to what it was. It started off as what Zeke could recognize to be a staff meeting as the Headmaster and the teachers began to talk about the disappearances. Blah, blah, blah... Inside job... What? The staff meeting ended and Zeke barely understood why Dallas would feel the need to send this to everyone so urgently...But then it got all weird. The new Headmistress, what's her face, started flipping out, talking about her organization and admitting that she worked with the people who kidnapped Vivian. [color=skyblue][i]"That bitch![/i][/color] Zeke felt so angry. To think that their new Headmistress was the one behind all of this! Granted, it was rather suspicious of her to join randomly this year, but still! This was insane! Zeke saved the audio onto his phone and began to text everyone he knew. For his sister, he decided to make the message more personalized. [center][color=skyblue][b]To Stella From Zeke Urgent! Sis, listen to this and send it to everyone you know! Stay safe! I love you. Attachment: youreameanone.m4a[/b][/color][/center] He spent a few seconds before deciding to add that last thing... It was cheesy and sounded like the world was going to end or something. But it didn't hurt to say it. He then decided to text Dallas and make sure that he was okay. How the hell did that guy get his hand on such juicy information anyways? He was going to get killed if he wasn't careful. Dallas was tough, but even he might need a hand or two. [center][color=skyblue][b]To Dallas From Zeke You're crazy, man. We should hang out.[/b][/color][/center] Except in this case, "hang out" meant something along the lines of "Let's meet up because you might get fucking murdered if you're alone no matter how good you are at boxing". That's a mouthful. He put away his phone and began to stroll around. One would never have guessed that he knew what was actually going on. It was just the usual, mindless, idiot-faced Zeke. [color=skyblue][i]"Maybe I'll go for a jog..."[/i][/color] [hr][hr][hr] [center][h3][color=pink]Delilah Wells[/color][/h3] [img]http://in1.ccio.co/tF/RC/85/70087337921571637ybxzCuwEc.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Campus Grounds then her apartment [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Dallas Relos[/center][hr][hr] The past two weeks had been hectic. There were search parties every day, looking desperately for dear Vivian and Delilah had been to every single one of them. She and Dallas were both working extremely hard to find Vivian but it felt like they weren't getting anywhere closer to finding her. Despite Dallas' encouragement, Delilah could not help but to doubt that they would ever see her best friend again. She never expressed her doubt though and tried to keep a smiling face even if her heart was breaking. Delilah had already attended her first class and was about to go grab a quick snack before her next class when suddenly she got a text from Dallas. He was telling her to skip class, hide in her apartment, and to not let anyone in, even Dallas himself. But Delilah could not understand why. Well perhaps she could, but she didn't want to believe it. There was only one reasonable explanation for this though: Dallas knew something and it wasn't good. [color=skyblue][i]"You're a good kid."[/i][/color] She could not help but become afraid. She was afraid of what might happen to her but she was more worried about Dallas. What was going to happen to him? ...That last message was too much, too ominous. But what could she do about it? Nothing. She was weak and afraid and useless. She didn't know how to fight or defend herself. She would only get kidnapped herself or something like that. So she reluctantly did what he instructed her to do. She hurried back to her apartment and locked the door. She took off her shoes and sat on her bed. What does one do when something is going on but they have to hide? Watch TV? Read a book? Bake cookies? She then realized that she hadn't replied to Dallas yet. [center][color=pink][b]To Dallas From Delilah Don't say stuff like that! "If" you're safe? You'll be fine, right?. You're "Dallas Fucking Relos", right? You can take on whoever would be after you, right? You'll teach me how to box later, right? You'll tell me everything that happened soon, right? You, Vivian, and I will all hang out together, grab brunch, and laugh about this mess, right? Don't make it sound like... like it's goodbye. [/b][/color][/center] [color=pink][i]"Because I don't know what I'll do if I lost you too..."[/i][/color] She plopped back onto her bed, thinking about the things that have happened. She held her hands close to her chest and closed her eyes. If anything, she could at least pray. [color=pink]"Mother, if you are listening, please protect my friends,"[/color] she whispered softly.