[center][h3][color=lightblue]Amelia Scarlet Johnston[/color][/h3] [img]http://www.shemazing.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/jenniferlawrence-jennifer-lawrence-32407533-500-220.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Samael Krios [@MiddleEarthRoze][/center][hr][hr] It had been two weeks since Vivian's kidnapping and since Sam returned to the Academy. Things were not the same as they used to be; there was danger lurking about and everyone including Amelia felt uneasy about what was going on. She and Sam had spent more time together, in a way trying to pick up where they left off before he run off..but also starting afresh. After learning what happened to his grand-father and father; Amelia felt her heart ache for him; and she realize she couldn't blame him for running off. She would have probably done the same. All she could do was be there for Sammy and let him know that she was here to stay. Whilst Amelia knew it was potentially dangerous to make such promises in these circumstances, she wasn't planning on leaving Sam behind...dissapearing or dying any time soon. With the news of the Headmaster's sudden and tragic circumstance; Amelia felt a shiver travel down her spine. Things were getting out of control...it felt like no one was safe...not the Students...not the teachers. As she walked out of Physical Training, she was lost in her own thoughts, wondering if Sam was okay when she almost stepped on something small and shiny on the campus ground. [color=lightblue]"Huh? What the..." [/color] Amelia bent down to pick up the little item she almost crushed with her foot. When she saw it up close; her eyes widened in horror and shock seeing it was one of Serafina's earrings...she felt a lump form in her throat as she could barely breath. Amelia saw Serafina wearing those earrings all the time; everyone knew they were hers. The daughter of Dionysus knew the daughter of Hera wouldn't lose them on purpose...it could only mean one thing. She was taken. Amelia felt tears stinging her eyes, her legs felt weak and she just managed to stumble over to one of the benches. Taking out her phone rather shakily, she scrolled down to Sam's name so she could send him a text: [Center] [color=lightblue] [b]To:[/b] Sammy [b]From:[/b] Amelia 'SOS!! Please tell me you're okay...I need to see you by the Benches. Please Hurry...I have a bad feeling Serafina's in trouble.' [/color] [/center] When Amelia sent Sam the text; she just waited either for Sam to turn up or reply to her message. Closing her eyes tightly, she couldn't hold back the tears of distress and fear/worry. One of her close friends was missing and anyone including her...or Sammy could be next. The thought was rather unsettling. She could only hope to the Gods, that Serafina was alive...and that she would make it out of there...somehow...someway.