[center][h3][color=598527]Corinthe Malakos[/color] [/h3] [IMG]http://i.giphy.com/j8v50Oi9V5lok.gif[/img] [b][u]Location; Cori's appartment[/u][/b] [b][u]Texting With;[/u][/b] Rozalia Éathliel [@MiddleEarthRoze][/center] [hr][hr] [center][b][color=598527]To: Roze From: Cori Hey Roze, wanna go to the lake again today? It might be the last day that's warm enough to go swimming ánd we have no classes today. what do you say? X[/color][/b][/center] Cori lay on her bed, while texting. The last weeks had been weird. A lot had been going on on campus. Like people disappearing. Which was rather alarming. And Cori felt guilty about the fact that she had actually heard somebody scream for help, but at that moment she had been wrapped up in an awkward situation with Zeke and Pete and his friend and her dog. After Zeke had arrived she had quickly forgotten about the scream and had moved on to fucking things up with him. She didn't know how to feel about the guy in question. She was mad at him, even though he didn't deserve it. In the last weeks they had still hung out. He was still a good friend. Their contact was just a bit less intensive. But she wondered if Zeke had even noticed. He was cute, had a good heart and -not unimportant- he was emotionally stable. But he wasn't very perceptive when it came to emotional matters. Cori left it for what it was. She wanted to prove to herself that she was independent and definitely not in need of a guy. [i][color=598527]what was I thinking?[/color][/i] she reprimanded herself for her fixation on Zeke. Classes. Her energy and focus had shifted to classes. To get good grades and to improve her powers -that was what she was working on. And even within these two weeks, she had been making progress. The feeling that came with self-improvement, was the satisfactory one of succes. Being able to use her powers more effectively, made her feel less powerless and more in control in her daily life as well. Though she was still far from where she'd like to be. Mr. Neelson had put her with the other 'benders' for now, so she could train on shaping and moving metals. [i][color=598527]like magneto[/color][/i] Because even though all bending types had different origins, their effect and training methods had great overlap. He did mention something about her soulsight though. That it was probably dangerous to look into that too much herself, and that when the time was ready, he would help her learn more about it. Cori didn't care much, she wasn't planning on using that anytime soon. It just so happened to be that among the benders, there was a friendly hydrokinesist that shared her love for dogs and lakes, among other things. And more importantly, she was a girl and was not going to mean trouble for Cori. Since then they had met a few times per week, next to the classes they already shared. And it was great. They had found a lake in the woods nearby the campus which was a great place to go for a swim. Or practice their powers some more. Today was a good day for that as well. Cori got up. Her new friend would probably text her back soon, but in the mean time there was no reason to not get a cup of coffee at the campus café.