[center][h3][color=Teal]Rozalia Éathliel[/color][/h3] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KmnPDl4.gif[/img][/center] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Roze’s apartment [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Corinthe Malakos [@Obscurus] [/center][hr][hr] [color=Teal]“Aw... crudsicles. I slept in.”[/color] Roze murmured to herself through a large yawn, stretching like a cat on her hammock. She knew that a Lord of the Rings marathon was a bad idea during school times. But shiiit... There was something about Legolas’ butt that she couldn’t tear herself away from. Sitting up and running her hands through her wild curls, she glanced lazily at her bedside table as her phone buzzed. Glancing at the text from Cori, she grinned at her own dumbassery. [i][color=Teal]Oh yeah. We don’t have lessons today. Looks like my geek-a-thon wasn’t in vain.[/color][/i] [color=Teal][center][b]To: Cori (AKA Magneta) From: Roze Lake swimming sounds rad – and I’ll be dragging your butt into that in the dead of winter, so bathe in the warmth while you can. >:] xxx [/b][/center][/color] Roze grinned as she sent the message, and then slipped out of her hammock, stretching once more as she looked out of the window. Cori was right about one thing – the warm weather was definitely slipping away. Normally Roze would have her window open, but the cold was creeping in every night, and of course... the kidnappings. Dallas’ sister still hadn’t been found, nor had any of the other kids who had gone missing. She’d helped out on a couple of the search parties, but quite honestly, she didn’t see the point. Whoever took these people was not likely to be staying in the nearby town or the surrounding area. Not that she was crass enough to tell that to Dallas. Hopefully everyone would turn back up. There’d be no evidence of them being hurt, so there was always hope... and despite the whole situation having some frankly horrifying correlations with what happened to her and her mother years ago, she was still keeping a hold of that hope. It also helped that she’d palled up with Cori and Zeke. After a first week of nothing but small talking with acquaintances, Corinthe had shown up like a blessing during their Powers Class. They’d got talking over their respective ‘Bending’ powers, and found out they had plenty of things in common. This had led to an almost daily routine of swimming in the nearby lake. Cori had also been the first person Roze had told about who her Godly parent was - although, with her water-bending powers, it wouldn’t take a genius to work it out. At the thought of Zeke, a wicked smile spread across Roze’s face, and she snatched up her phone to send a second message to Cori. [color=Teal][center][b]To: Cori (AKA Magneta) From: Roze Want to invite Zeke? I could steal his swimming shorts when he’s not looking and leave you two for some alone time. X’D[/b][/center][/color] Giggling to herself as she sent the message, Roze finally put some clothes on, throwing her swimsuit in her backpack before looking back at her phone as it buzzed again. Grinning and expecting a scathing reply from Cori, she frowned ever so slightly as she peered at the message from Dallas. Opening up the sound file, she held it to her ear, frown deepening slightly as she made out the words. And then... then... Any remnants of smile slipped from Roze’s face as she stared at her phone in horror. [color=Teal]“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”[/color] She whispered. The new Headmistress was behind it all? Gods, was this a James Bond movie? Was she going to head out in the corridor and have to fight off ninjas from the Underworld or something? Quickly texting back a thank-you to Dallas for the heads up, Roze practically sprinted out of her apartment, heading towards the café. Cori would probably be in there, getting her daily caffeine fix – and she would need to hear this shit. [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=Purple]Samael Krios[/color][/h3] [center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdoktwLCAP1qc4ttho2_r1_250.gif[/img][/center] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Campus [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Amelia Johnston [@GoddessSophia][/center][hr][hr] Despite the disappearances that had been going on, Sammy was loving life. Until he’d gotten back into the swing of things back at the Academy, he didn’t realize just how much he’d missed it. The lessons, the teachers, the view from his window, the students... shit, even the crappy tacos at the food bar were great. Til the next morning, but whatever. Walking out of his Greek Mythology lesson – a thrilling lecture on Zeus’ favourite tortures in the Fields of Punishment ([i]euch[/i]) – he glanced at his phone as it buzzed, a smile appearing as he saw it as from Amelia. During the past week, he’d been improving things with her. Well... he thought he was. He’d talked with Ever too, and he was still uncertain how things were with her. She was happy to see him – well, not ‘see’, but.... nevermind, she was happy, but angry too. As he expected. It was fair to say that things between he and his sister were awkward. But with Lia – every time he saw was like a breath of fresh air. After his more than ridiculous ‘hello’, it had been water under the bridge. She’d been sympathetic when he told her why he had left, but acted normally around him after that. No special treatment. No tiptoeing around him... and by the Gods, was that refreshing. Their relationship – although undoubtedly different – was definitely on the mend. However, Sam’s smile disappeared as he read her text, and the obvious urgentness behind it. He didn’t even bother texting her back – he just ran at full sprint towards the benches, praying to every single damn God and Goddess out there that she was alright – and Serafina, Gods, not Lils. A pang of relief hit Sam’s heart as he saw Amelia sat by herself at the benches, but the fact she was crying was not comforting at all. [color=Purple]”Lia! Gods, what’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?”[/color] Sammy shot out these questions without even waiting for her answers as he skidded to a stop before her, kneeling in front of Amelia so he could envelop her in his arms.