[h3][color=SkyBlue][u]Gen Itoshi[/u][/color][/h3]
[i]Sunday, May 31[sup]st[/sup] - 2015[/i]

[i]Warakuma Recreational Center[/i]

And just like that, a simple conversation between two acquaintances became a full-fledge group meeting. Gen was surprised by this change, if only because he came to the recreational center thinking that he would find no one he was acquainted with. Well, in a sense he was right, since there were two individuals in that group that he did not know. One was Masahide's companion, and the other was the girl that waved and called Shizuka effusively. The latter seemed kind of familiar, though, probably from school? Gen could not put his finger on which class she was in or what her last name even was. But hey, meeting new people should not hurt, right?

[color=SkyBlue]"Hello-oh!"[/color] He said but stopped mid-sentence at the sight of Yamato holding his stomach. Gen took his glasses by the frame to place them on the curve of his nose and directed his next question at Yamato. [color=SkyBlue]"A-are you okay? Should we get someone?"[/color] He asked the second question to Masahide. As gullible as Gen was, he thought that Yamato was in actual pain and not acting at all. There should be some kind of doctor's office there; after all, it was a public place where accidents were prone to happen. What if someone hit their head with the floor of the pool? Okay, that was an exaggeration, but nobody could object that it could not happen!