[center][h3][color=Lightblue]Amelia Scarlet Johnston[/color] and [color=purple] Samael Krios [/color][/h3] [img] http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mazneorGST1rxz18m.gif[/img] [img] http://data.whicdn.com/images/193525023/large.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Campus Benches [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Each Other[/center][hr][hr] Amelia couldn't hold back the tears that were running down her cheeks; the situation was getting worse and to know that one of her close friends, was kidnapped made her heart ache. She couldn't imagine anything happening to Serafina; she didn't even know why someone would want to hurt the girl. The daughter of Hera was kind, friendly...motherly person. She didn't deserve this. Life wasn't fair... As she thought about the situation more; she knew she wouldn't cope if it was Sam that went missing. The thought made her heart clench. The thought of someone hurting Sam scared her, even though she knew he could defend himself...from what he told her about his revenge on the killers, he was more than capable. After all, this was Sammy...her Sammy. Her best friend, and the one person she had always been close to. Her feelings for Sam were still there...and they were still growing. It wasn't long before she saw him running towards her. As he was kneeling infront of her; she gently shook her head at his question about her being hurt [color=lightblue]"No..I..." [/color] she let out a sob. Shakily she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him and she sobbed into his shoulder for a few moments as she couldn't find the right words. Amelia squeezed Sam, holding onto him tightly for a few moments, as if she was scared that someone might seperate them. [color=lightblue]"It's not me...I...I found this." [/color] she choked out as she pulled back from the embrace, still staying in his arms and shakily held out her hand, her palm facing upwards; so Sam could see the blue earring that belonged to Serafina. [color=lightblue]"She wouldn't have lost it... on purpose." [/color] Amelia looked more shaken up and fearful than she had in all of her life-time and years here at the Academy.[color=lightblue] "I think...someone took Serafina..." [/color] she managed to choke out before more tears and sobs were escaping from her. Sammy stared at the earring, completely dumbfounded for a moment. Serafina? Who... why would anyone take her? She was harmless, she was... [color=Purple]"Gods...no...[/color] Sammy managed to choke out past his shock. Who in the Hell was doing this? Who had the [i]GODDAMN RIGHT?![/i] Holding Amelia closer to him, grief and shock gave way to a blistering anger, one he hadn't felt in a good two years. The bench to the left and right of the one Amelia sat upon suddenly burst into flames, his magic catching onto his wild emotions and matching the anger in his heart. [color=Purple]"We need to tell someone."[/color] He managed to say in a strangled whisper after a moment, straightening up and helping Amelia to her feet. In any other situation, he'd be phoning or texting Serafina, just in some futile attempt to see if she was still on campus. But this disappearance matched the pattern of all the others - she was gone. Cupping Amelia's face in his hands, Sam looked her straight in the eyes. [color=Purple]"We are going to get her back, Lia. We'll get her back. And I am not going to let those bastards take you. Not you.[/color] He said in a low, yet intense tone, an icy fire blazing away in his blue eyes. Looking at Sam, Amelia could see the confusion and shock forming across his features. The same shock...the same dispair she felt; was mirrored in his blue eyes. She closed her eyes tightly; a part of her didn't want to believe this. She just wanted to wake up and forget this ever happened. It almost felt like one big nightmare, that no one could wake up from. And the fact that it was one of their best friends that got kidnapped...just made it worse and unberable. Not that Amelia wished it on anyone. Hiding her face in his shoulder, she closed her eyes tightly as she breathed in his scent for a few moments, staying silent. As the benches caught on fire, Amelia flinched slightly in surprise. The sudden burst of flames and warmth startled her.[color=Lightblue] "Who do you think we should go to?" [/color] Amelia breathed out as Sam helped her up to her feet. She looked into his eyes, searching for an answer. The Headmaster was Gone...and she didn't even know the Head Mistress enough to tell her about this. Nor did she suspect anything off about her at the moment. She thought for a few moments, wondering who they should go to. [color=Lightblue] "Do you and Clarissa still speak?" [/color] She asked after a few moments of trying to search for an answer. Maybe of his friends...one of their friends could help them figure something out. They couldn't just tell this to anybody...it had to be someone who they trusted, someone they could rely on. The tears were still running down her cheeks and when Sam cupped her face softly; Amelia was looking into his eyes. Hearing his words; she smiled a bit despite the sadness, and fear she felt. [color=lightblue] "I want her back too, Sammy. I do..but....I don't want you to get hurt trying to keep me safe either. [/color] she breathed out softly. Her voice bit shaky from fear. She couldn't help but wonder if they both would even stay safe.[i] Who was safe anymore? It seemed like no one was. [/i] Sammy offered up a reassuring smile, brushing away her tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. [color=Purple]"I won't get hurt. I mean, I wouldn't mind getting hurt if it meant keeping you safe, but I should be fine. I have pyro-hands, remember?"[/color] He said with a smile, then glancing at the smouldering benches guiltily. [color=Purple]"Just imagine those benches are the bad guys. Hopefully I won't get fined this time..."[/color] He muttered, and then began pondering on Amelia's question: Who to tell? [color=Purple]"I don't think we should go to the teacher's on this one. They'll probably find out soon enough anyways. As for me and Clarissa...[/color] Sam trailed off, thinking about it. During his week here so far, he'd met up with all of the people he'd left behind - not including the ones that had disappeared - and made amends. Some had just been happy to see him alive; others acted a bit more cold. But he and Clarissa had made up straight away. As he recalled, lots of people had expected them to end up together back when they were both at the Academy together. But she was like a female Bro to him. A bro-ina. A bro-ette. [color=Purple]"Clarissa seems like a good call. No-one would be dumb enough in facing her wrath to attempt kidnapping her, so we should be safe around her.[/color] He said, looking back at Amelia with a smile - hoping she appreciated his humour in an attempt to lighten the situation. He did that a lot - one could call it a bad habit, but it was a way of calming himself down. Less emotions, less accidental explosions. Putting his arm around Amelia's shoulders and holding her close, Sammy took out his phone. [b][center]To: Clarissa From: Sam Hey - if you're still concious/not-kidnapped/alive/not-busy-making-out-with-your-boytoy, send me a text as soon as you can to meet me somewhere. Shit has hit the fan, and me and Lia could use some of your Aphrodisiac wisdom.[/center][/b] Hitting send, Sam planted a kiss on the top of Amelia's head, awaiting Clarissa's response. [color=Purple]"We'll figure this out, Lia. I promise.[/color] He murmured into her hair. Amelia couldn't help but return the soft smile, as she felt Sam brush away her tears. [color=lightblue] "You might have pyro-hands, but I still don't want you getting hurt. [/color] she breathed out softly. They both glanced over at the benches, and for some reason his advice worked. If only they could set the kidnappers on fire...she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting out a slight giggle as he mentioned getting a fine. For some reason, that memory made her feel better for a few moments. But soon the weight of the situation dawned on her again. Listening to Sam speak; Amelia nodded in silence. She knew it was a wise decision not to go the Teachers. They knew things faster than most people here on the Campus did. [color=lightblue] "I agree, I don't think I'd go to them either. [/color] she breathed out as she looked at him. She waited in silence for a few moments, waiting for Sam's answer about him and Clarissa. She knew that they were close friends...like brother and sister almost, a different kind of bro-mance, even though Clarissa wasn't a guy. When Sam told her, it was a good idea; she nodded as she leaned against his chest feeling his arm around her bring her some comfort. [color=lightblue] "I heard she snapped at Tara the other day, so I think you might be right about the wrath thing." [/color] she smiled softly. His humor made her smile softly; some people didn't get it at times and maybe didn't apprecaite it. But Amelia didn't mind, she had grown used to his habits and sometimes it made things better. She closed her eyes for a few moments, and gave Sam a soft squeeze. [color=lightblue] "I hope so, Sammy. I don't know what I'd do...if I lost you too." [/color] she breathed out gently, leaning against him as she held onto him, her face still somewhat buried against his arm. Sam felt happy to see a smile on Lia's face at last. His humour never failed. Well... most of the time anyways. Trailing his fingers through Amelia's blonde hair, he sighed lightly. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost her either. Serafina being taken was bad enough, but if he lost her too... shit.. or Ever. However, from what little he saw of his sister this past week, she seemed to have gained her own personal bodyguard. Some new guy, a Son of Athena. Naturally, he didn't know anything about the guy, but being the token 'big brother', he'd give him the whole 'keep my sister safe or else' speech eventually. [color=purple]"Tara... that's one of Ares' kids, right?[/color] He asked as he thought. He hadn't met many of the kids - either they were new this year, or had arrived in his absence. She was one of them. [color=Purple]"Y'know, considering how tight Ares and Aphrodite are, you'd think their kids would get along.[/color] He added with a chuckle. As for his own Mother's Godly relations with the other Gods - she was pretty fine with all of them, as far as he knew. Whichever way you looked at it though, the Olympian Gods had one hell of a family crisis going on.