Hi. I'm the Co-GM and Sith Lord for this RP. I know that together we can remake the Galaxy as it should be. If you wish to learn the ways of the Darkside, I'm more than willing to teach you. [hider=My character] Name: Siador Dren Appearance: [img]http://www.askajedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Offensive_Burst.jpg[/img] Age: 30 Personality: Strategic. He'll look for his opponent's weakness and try and attack it. He is not cruel, however, despite his master's protests, as he understands that once you break a person's spirit, they lose much of their worth to you. Instead he prefers turning people using logic, emotion, or even bribery. Bio: As a teenager from Corascant, he got a job with an archeology team excavating the ruins of Korriban. There he came across a Sith Holocron in a secret chamber within one of the tombs. When he read the ancient Sith inscription that was written on it aloud, "Peace is a lie, there is only Passion.", it opened. "Yes, but do you understand what that means?" the hologram asked him. He wanted to take the holocron to his employer, but he decided to study it first. As he spoke to it he learned many things, and though he was skeptical at first, his lessons included how to use the force to move objects. Their sponsor was simply a rich man looking for more treasures to show his rich friends so when, one year later, the man pulled their funding the rest of the team packed up to leave. Saidor decided to stay behind, to continue the search, as he told them. After they left the Sith taught him many things, and even showed him where and how to find artifacts of Sith power within the ruins. He sales most the minor trinkets he finds in order to buy supplies from traders that pass by, generally ordering what he needs from nearby worlds. Equipment: Ancient Sith Holocron (remains in the chamber where he found it, which has become his study), Ancient Sith lightsaber (still partially functional, on display in his study), ancient computer terminal (salvaged from the nearby Sith Academy Ruins), Assorted machines (he does live here after all), Sith Robes (made of Hississ leather for strength and durability), Red Lightsaber (made by him using Sith manufacturing methods and modern tech. Sith magics insure that no one who follows the light side can touch it without getting electrocuted.) Stats and Skills Dexterity: 2 Perception: 2 Treasure hunting: 3 Strength: 5 Lightsaber combat: 7 Technical: 2 Archaeology: 4 Force: 5 Telekinesis: 7 Lightning: 6 Healing: 6 [/hider]