[center][h3][color=springgreen]Jeremiah Howard Tomers[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QB4pKgr.gif[/img] [b][u]Location: [/u][/b]Parking Lot [b][u]Interacting With: [/u][/b] Clarissa Price [@GoddessSophia][/center] [hr][hr] When his phone pinged, Jay glanced at it briefly. It was Clarissa texting him back. She stated that she would be at the parking lot after her first class. After reading that, Jay smiled as he pocketed his phone into his pocket. Jay had a few minutes to think about what he was feeling, about what he was thinking, and most important, where his mind at was right now. He probably wasn’t in his right mind, or maybe he was, and he just didn’t know how to handle it. Throughout the past two weeks, Jay hasn’t been feeling himself. Classes became less of a priority to him and all he could really think about were these kidnappings. He kept wondering over and over if Clarissa or anyone else would get taken - and if they did, what could he do to stop it? Truly, Jay feared that they would get taken next. Jay needed a break. Jay turned his head to the sound and sight of Clarissa as she greeted him with a wave and a hug. She didn’t waste any time as she asked if Jay was alright. He simply looked at her with an expression that neither confirmed or denied. “[color=springgreen]I’ll have to respond to his greeting later.[/color]” Jay commented, referring to Skye. He became silent for about a few minutes, not saying anything. All Jay did was gesture Clarissa to join him by leaning against the car, but neither of them said anything. And then he spoke after seven minutes of silence. “[color=springgreen]I’m thinking of going away for a while.[/color]” Jay said, his head turning to Clarissa, “[color=springgreen]This car was a gift from my father when I joined Olympus Academy. He felt that it would help me in some way. I don’t know, but I didn’t fight it.[/color]” Jay told Clarissa, “[color=springgreen]anyways, I was thinking - why don’t you come with me? It’ll just be you, me, and the open road. We can go anywhere you want.[/color]” Jay explained, inviting Clarissa to join him on a road trip.[hr] [center][h3][color=007ba7]Harvey Nathaniel Blake[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nI4epl1.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Campus [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Raven Dameon [@WhiteStar19], James Oake [@LadyTale] [/center][hr][hr] “[color=007ba7]Oh come on, you know you like my lines.[/color]” Harvey grinned confidently. He had his arm around Raven for a good minute until she found her way from his grip only to look at the tall son of Artemis. Harvey chuckled as she had to get on the edges of her toes just to get near Harvey’s ear. Even so, the tall muscle-head bent down slightly so he would at least hear what she said. As she whispered into his ear, she had him in suspense. What was she going to say? He intently listened as he didn’t want to miss a single letter of it - and then she said it. “[color=007ba7]You’re always playing hard to get - why is that?[/color]” Harvey asked in response to her… forceful suggestion. And as if his timing couldn’t have been worse, here came her annoying brother, James Oake, greeting Raven with yellow flowers. God, yellow flowers - what an annoyingly-positive color. How Harvey loathes that color. Nothing about it was tough. It was too much of a sunshiney color. Every time he thought of yellow, Harvey thought of his annoyingly-chipper cousins, Vivian and Dallas. Both of them got on his nerves just by them looking at him. That’s why he was half-relieved that Vivian got kidnapped. [color=007ba7][I]At least I won’t be seeing her face around for a while.[/I][/color] However, at the present moment, Harvey ‘s attention was now solely on James and his annoying magic tricks. The magician might have not met Harvey, or at least not remember him, but Harvey knows this little chump. He’s always flaunting his magic tricks as if they were something special. [color=007ba7][I]What-the-fuck-ever man. They aren’t shit - [b]you[/b] aren’t shit.[/I][/color] “[color=007ba7]Yeah, we’ve met before, you probably don’t remember me because you were too fucking busy putting on a magic show for those annoying little cunts at Dal’s party.[/color]” Harvey laughed. Harvey then stepped up to James. His frame was bigger in all the ways possible - it was bigger in height(Harvey stood at least six inches taller); it was bigger in weight(James’ puny muscles were like toothpicks compared to Havery’s). If there was anything that there was different about their bodies, it was the fact that James probably could dodge Harvey’s hits if they came at from a distance; but standing face-to-face, the Son of Hermes had nothing over the Son of Artemis. “[color=007ba7]Step away, little man. I’m talking with your sister; I have no business with some puny, little magician.[/color]” Harvey rudely stated as he forced James out of his way with nothing but the use of his left hand. It would most likely cause James to become off-balance, perhaps even staggering to the side. [hr] [center][h3]Location: Unknown Time of Day: Presumingly Night, could be daytime.[/h3] [/center] For a man holding a tray of food, the lighting was dim. The only source of light throughout the entire place were spaced out, low-lit, hanging lanterns throughout grey-colored, stone wall halls. It was hard for this man to know where he was going half the time, especially since he was wearing all black - including the mask on his head. It only had holes on the eyes and nose for sight and breathing. Added to that, the heat and darkness made it hard for this man. Every seven feet had prison-like cages with one person in each of them. Each person had been taken at one point. Some of them from schools; some of them from their homes. Most of them were special in some way, but this specific block was devoted to the most special of them all. Each and every single one of the one-hundred men and women that made up the cell block were of Demigod or Demigoddess blood. Every single one of them had, within them, the blood of the Greek Gods and Goddesses - and every single one of them, without realizing it, were marked for death as soon as they were taken. This block was known as Block GC(for Greek Cancer). Block Greek Cancer has its halls divided into two parts. First, known as the General Quarters - pretty much where those of “lesser god” blood are kept. These are the demigods and demigoddesses that, technically, are twice demi(that meaning that they have only a forth of Greek God/Goddess blood in them). Even though that they only have that amount of godly blood in their body, they are still of godly descent and thus they are kept in cells. The second part of the Greek Cancer Block is more secluded and heavily guarded. Just entering requires a security card and identification. Past that would be what people around call The Classified Quarters. Here, the living situations are way better than the General Quarters. The halls are lit up like a Christmas Tree. Each cell is secluded from every other one. Like, to get to a single cell, one has to go through a room which is guarded and housing at least three guards at a time - and each cell has a rather decent setup(there are decently-comfortable beds, a TV with basic cable, a couch, and daily 3-squared meals. However, every six hours was when the torturing started. Depending on the day, the torture varied. One day it could be physical torture where the Demigods’ and Demigoddesses’ captors see how much physical pain their enhanced bodies would take. Sometimes, the physical torture includes hours upon hours of beatings, electroshock therapy, drowning thorugh a wet rag - and those are just the light exercises. Some days, there are bits of psychological and mental torture where each of the ’Special’ Demigods and Demigoddesses are put under illusions and spells that put them through the ringer. Each and every single one of them live and relive their worst nightmares and fears for five hours straight. Whatever they fear the most is put into overdrive into their minds; whatever their worst memory was/is will be put on repeat for over five hours until they mentally pass out. It was when that torture came, the Demigods and Demigoddesses know that they must endure it or they’ll never escape their captivity. Two knocks came at one of the cell room’s door. “[color=gray]It’s Anderson.[/color]” Said the voice of the man who was walking through the halls before. “[color=silver]It’s open,[/color]” shouted a voice from inside. As the one that revealed himself as Anderson looked around, he saw what he normally saw when he came into any of the cells: a room with a direct view of the cell when one entered the room. It had dark grey walls that were ten feet high. There were three, five-bladed ceiling fans with three light bulbs of a yellow color that gave light to the room. In that revealed light, there was a desk against the right side of the wall with a computer, and there was an identical table too. Three chairs were in the room outside of the cell for the three guards who all were wearing identical black outfits with the same kind of mask that Anderson was wearing. “[color=gray]So, is she still as chipper as ever?[/color]” Asked Anderson. One of the three guards sighed annoyingly. “[color=silver]Even more than yesterday.[/color]” Anderson set the food tray on the table and walked up to the cell door with a nightstick in hand. “[color=gray]Hey! Why are you so chipper? You know you’re going to die soon, right?[/color]” Asked Anderson. As Anderson looked inside the cell, to his view came a blonde. “[color=goldenrod]Oh, you think so huh? Well, I’m pretty sure that my brother will find me - or you’ll find him. In either case, he’s going to kill you all.[/color]” Said the prisoner. “[color=gray]Oh, is that so?[/color]” Anderson said mockingly. The prisoner nodded and ‘mhm’d’. “[color=gray]What makes you think that? You got ESP or something’?[/color]” The prisoner laughed, “[color=goldenrod]no, but I lost his Prada Sunglasses and he loves those as much as he does me.[/color]” She said, laughing. “[color=goldenrod]Oh, and he’s kind of a hothead and hates when people mess with me.[/color]” “[color=gray]Uh-huh,[/color]” Anderson said as if he didn’t take her seriously. “[color=goldenrod][b]I’M SERIOUS! YOU GUYS ARE IN FOR A WORLD OF HURT![/b][/color]” She yelled, pleading with them to release her. “[color=goldenrod]I’ll tell you what I said yesterday: release me and you’ll never have to deal with my brother or his wrath.[/color]” She implored them, her blue eyes looking at Anderson with such a worry. Anderson laughed. “[color=gray]Little girl, you’re young, so let me inform you on something: Our boss kidnapped you because you’re an abomination. Just like everyone in this cell block, you’re all going to die.[/color]” He said, “[color=gray]as for us letting you go, it’s not going to happen. No half-hearted threat about how your brother can be will make us go against our boss.[/color]” “[color=goldenrod]But you don’t understand! He--[/color]” “[color=gray]No, [b][I]you[/I][/b] don’t understand![/color]” Anderson had then raised his voice and he shook the prison bars, “[color=gray]you better shut up or else we might just have to start the torture early today.[/color]” The prisoner said nothing and went to her bed to sit down on it. [color=goldenrod][I]Oh Dallas, I need to get some word to you…somehow.[/I] [/color] “[color=gray]Good, now eat your food; it’s getting cold.[/color]” Anderson handed her the tray and proceeded to leave. “[color=gray]If the boss calls, tell her I’m on my way.[/color]” “[color=silver]On your way where?[/color]” Inquired one of the three guards. Anderson stopped at the door and looked back at them. “[color=silver]Olympus Academy. It’s time I go handle these things personally.[/color]”