ONI Personnel File #000144 Callsign: “Angel” Name: Dominique Edwards Age: 37, Born March 8th 2521 Gender: Female Military Classification: Lieutenant, ONI Section III / Spartan Program Service History: Lt. Edwards is one of the higher ranking Spartan agents in ONI Section III. She enlisted in the Marine corps in 2540 as a medic and was then taken in by ONI to become one of their black ops agents three years later. Came highly recommended by her commanding officers for her service and her unusually good marksmanship skills, at least for a marine. Brought into the spartan program in 2549 at the rank of Staff Sergeant. Progressed through the ranks very quickly and was one of the top marksmen in ONI Section III at the time. [All further information is blacked out] Assigned to UNSC Blade's Edge under command of Colonel Morrel. Previous Missions of Note: Fall of Reach First Battle of Requiem [All other entries are blacked out] Profile Picture: [img]http://i.imgur.com/6nYx3O4.jpg[/img]