[@KatherinWinter] It took me all day but I finally thought of a character for approval that I think can do okay here :) Name: Bryce Code name: Ditto Age: 18 Power: goes in a few phases main phase name is mimicry/body manipulation (only of self) Phase one: can temporarily look and sound identical to another human including voice (cannot keep the other shape for extensive amounts of time but can shift from one to another to elongate time in a shape other then their own) Phase two: able to mimic other ibdividuals shape for a longer period of time and can also use the other individual's power for a short amount of time as this takes a lot of energy Phase three: can now mimic humans and animals along with taking their strengths and weaknesses also mimicking animals now comes with the possibility of feral mind if in this form for too long (basically the mind goes into the mind of an animal and the possibility of losing human being becomes less as time in animal form increases) Phase four: complete body manipulation (much like mystique and beast boy put together) however if an unnatural form is kept to long then there is a chance of becoming "stuck" they no longer need to see an animal or individual to become them just think of what they want to be... at this point he can still mimic abilities but still only for a short amount of time since they take too much effort and are not a man focus of his. (it will take a long time to get to this point) Looks: he has sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes along with freckles and a medium build on his body. He has a tattoo of an eagle on his arm and he generally is wearing a red crew neck jeans and hiking boots Bio: he got into a fight with multiple gang members and ended up killing majority of them. The living managed to make it seem like it was a random attack and he got life sentence so he ended up here.