Aleksandra could feel herself frowning, her heart aching a bit at the sorrow in his voice and in his movements. She smoothed her hands over her broad shoulders and, feeling a bit brave, she pressed a kiss to the very top of his head. Then another to his temple, and the final one at the corner of his mouth. She'd never really desired to meet her birth mother, circumstances being what they were. Her father's wife had been kind and caring, if oblivious to her sons and their nasty habits. She knew the comfort of a mother's kiss, of her warm embrace. She wanted Aulfr to have that. She'd pry the secrets from the Oberjarl's lips. She'd sneak and bribe and coerce people into telling her their rumors. And until then, she could be what he'd never had. "I can help you move those mountains," she murmured. "You deserve to know your mother, [i]milyy[/i]." She paused on that, her cheeks flaming in embarrassment. That might have been the first time she'd even called someone 'darling,' and of course she'd used it on Aulfr and in her own language. She felt foolish, but plowed on ahead before he could respond. "If there's anything you need me to do to help with your finding her, you need only ask. Or command, since all you do is boss me around anyways," she said, mostly playful. She kept the fingers of one hand buried in his hair while she pressed another kiss to his temple. She liked how it felt to do that. She was calming him. It was because of what she was doing that he was relaxed, that he was happy. She felt like she was glowing, shining brighter than the sun just because of what she could do for him.