Aulfr glanced sharply at the suddenly straightforward, loving assassin. The kisses, the comment- he knew his Ardanian- the blush, she was honestly feeling something about him, honestly liking him, honestly sympathizing with him. So he stared, with hidden wonder at this strange person he bought and was going to violate, to ruin, if she didn't go along with his plans. It put his mind into a new perspective- that maybe his reasons weren't so great. But he allowed himself to be comforted. He worked to unknot his shoulders, to loosen up again, and sighed heavily. Not entirely sure where to proceed, or how to, or what to do, he just reached up and laid a hand on her hair-entangled one. Silently acknowledging her with a less sharp, much more soft glance, he stood up, shaking off the strands of hair that had fallen over himself. He glanced at her, and in his uncertainty, walked over to his window, and stared out at the courtyard again. Bathed in the sun's golden glow, he struggled with re-emerging emotions of his mother- and conflicting emotions about Aleksandra. Because, really, he's used to physical, material conflicts, and all this emotional stuff was starting to screw with his head- he still wasn't sure if it was a good or bad way, though.