[b]Kotori Shirohane - Unknown Place | Unknown Time[/b] A faint... sensation was the first thing that Kotori became aware of as her consciousness slowly returned. Was it a... sound? A feeling? She didn't know - but it was coming to her through the darkness, stirring her. Awareness began to return - numb at first, but quickly growin in intensity and, finally, into a painful prick as she opened her eyes from it. Lifting her head up from the ground, she quickly reached to the side of her head, the source of the pain - which came from having rested against the frame of her glasses, leaving a still slightly painful indentation. At the same time, a spell of nausea came over her from sitting up so quickly; prompting her to close her eyes at the sudden dizziness in order to get her bearings back. After a moment of slow, deep breaths she slowly opened her eyes again - only for her breath to catch as she finally registered her surroundings. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Heartbreak Hospital: Intensive Care Unit | Unknown Time[/b] Kotori's mouth stammered wordlessly - not a single sound came over her lips. This...? Wha- where? Why, and... Her mind was racing - it was absurd. It was bizarre. It was completely impossible - and yet despite all this, in all this, a sense of familiarity was about it all; yet twisted in a way which made it all the more jarring. Slowly rising to her feet, she turned about to take in all her surroundings - and stopped mid-turn when she saw another figure standing behind her. But it wasn't just any figure - it was one she immediately recognised, despite it being impossible: It was she herself. Blinking in disbelief, she saw that the figure was doing the same - a mirror? Taking a step closer, the figure did the same. Slowly raising her hand to touch this strange mirror surface, it felt didn't feel cold and hard as she would have expected. Instead, it was actually quite the opposite - soft and warm. Almost as if... [color=black]"...it's a real person?"[/color] the figure finished Kotori's thought. Kotori practically jumped back at the sound and sight of her own mirror image moving without her doing anything. Wide-eyed she stared at it - what...? [color=black]"...am I? Isn't it obvious?"[/color] the mirror being completed the thought yet again, taking a moment to turn on the spot before fixing Kotori's eyes with her own - their golden sheen being the only difference between them. [color=black]"I. Am. You."[/color] [color=green]"Bu... how..."[/color] Rather than any real words, the only thing coming from Kotori's mouth were stuttered fragments as she tried processing what she was seeing - in spite of its complete and utter impossibility. She... was her? That made no sense! [color=black]"Oh, but of course it does. Because I'm not just you - I'm the [i]real[/i] you."[/color] Kotori remained frozen in place, unbeknownst to herself clutching her hands close to her chest; a shiver going through her body. The real her...? What... [color=black]"I mean? Exactly what I said: I'm you. The real one, not the little play you like giving."[/color] At that, even the shiver briefly stopped as Kotori's eyes went wide - play? She wasn't doing any plays, she didn't-[color=black]"Oh, don't give me that. We both know it's not true,"[/color] the mirror imagine interrupted Kotori's thoughts yet again before stepping closer as she spoke. [color=black]"Kotori Shirohane, the young and independant woman who got top marks without a problem. Talk of the school, but too modest to engage in any talk herself. Lover of plants and all things flowery - you're really starting to buy it yourself, aren't you?"[/color] With that, a low chuckle began in the mirror Kotori's throat - one which quickly rose into full-blown laughter. But this was not joyous laugh - it was a chilling sound which only left Kotori ever more speechless. The mirror image's laugh was abruptly cut short - and instead replaced by a smirk which had absolutely no place on Kotori's face. [color=black]"Oh, and what do you know? We've even got ourselves a little audience!"[/color] she exclaimed, prompting Kotori to practically whip around - and go wide-eyed at the sight. Through a door (had that been there before?) a group burst in - all of which seemed to be of her own age. A moment later, she even recognised one of them: Akane Hanezawa, her own classmate. The absurdity of the situation didn't even register any longer - instead, she quickly spoke up; her voice panicked. [color=green]"No! This isn't-!"[/color] [color=black]"Isn't what? The truth?"[/color] Frantically looking between the two - the group and her mirror image - Kotori quickly shook her head, though before she could even speak a word in protest, her mirror image spoke up again. [color=black]"Did you really think they'd buy that? The whole quiet little girl act? As if! You're not [i]bad with people[/i] - you don't want to be good. You're [i]afraid[/i] to be good with people!"[/color] Kotori's stare was completely fixed on her mirror image - no. No, it couldn't be... that... she couldn't mean-! A wicked smirk appeared once more on the other Kotori's face as she stepped closer yet, barely any space between the two now. [color=black]"And you even think you're doing them a favour, don't you? What a little saint, trying to save others from yourself. Say, how does it feel, having to hide [i]them[/i] for so long?"[/color] The mirror image jabbed a finger hard against Kotori's chest - but she didn't even feel it. Her face was as pale as a sheet; all colour drained as she heard her own voice speak those things. No... [color=black]"Oh, why do I even ask? I already know! I'm just hiding behind my little façade - not letting anyone near to keep them from suffering the same fate as my poor self!"[/color] [color=green]"...no..."[/color] [color=black]"But we both know that's not true."[/color] [color=green]"No..."[/color] [color=black]"Because really, that's just an excuse, isn't it?"[/color] [color=green]"No, please..."[/color] [color=black]"Because in reality, you're just a scared little girl who's too afraid to speak up and instead use any excuse to keep quiet because it's easier that was - [i]aren't we[/i]?"[/color] [color=green]"No! No, that's not true! How... how can you even say that! You're lying! You're... [b]you're not me[/b]!"[/color] For a moment, silence fell at Kotori's outcry - a rarity in and of itself. For a moment, it seemed as if she'd stunned her mirror self - but then, the same wicked grin began to form on her features as a disturbing chuckle grew from her throat. At the same moment, it seemed as if the light within the room grew dim as shadows gathered from all around; converging upon the still cuckling form as she grabbed her glasses and threw them aside.. The sound of it became more and more inhuman - and then abruptly stopped. Through the momentary silence, there was at first only a single sound: A low, ponderous thump. Then, another. Then, slowly, the shadows began to dissipate - and began to reveal [url=http://i.imgur.com/Zo9rBNN.png]the twisted form[/url] that lay within. At first, a vaguely humanoid shape could be made out - but larger than any human should be, even though it was kneeling upon the ground. Long, shadowy-black hair flowed from its head, giving the creature a female appearance. Its golden eyes soon fixed the group that had entered the area - only for them to begin to tear up, leaving golden streams to pour from its eyes as shadows closed in on the figure's mouth, leaving no sound to be heard. The shadow was clad in what appeared to be a gown - a hospital gown, in fact. However, this one was drenched in a dull reddish colour - except for her chest. Here, instead, the colour was bright red - if the the rest of the creature's gown was caked in dried blood, this appeared fresh - if only for a moment before a tear appeared. From this, a strange something pushed through - something which only became evident when, after shivering in the air for a moment, burst open into the shape of a blood-red flower's petals. And at the very center of the flower, there rested a faintly glowing object. An object which slowly moved in time with the same low thumping that was heard in the silence - a heart. A moment later, three poles grew from the ground behind her - and, hanging upon visciously barbed hooked at their tops, hung bags of yet more bright red blood; long tubes extending from them. For a moment, they seemed completely inert - but then, they suddenly began to twitch as if coming to life. The ends of the tubes began to rise into the air - and then, in a lightning-fast motion, wrapped themselves around Kotori, who had remained completely transfixed at the shadow's feet, and flung her across the floor behind the shadow and out of reach of the intruders. But with that, they weren't done - instead, they quickly released her - and plunged themselves into the shadow's arms. The Shadow convulsed as if in great pain, its golden eyes still pouring forth silent tears - and then, the heart's faint glow, accompanied by the thumping sound it made with every contraction, suddenly grew in intensity before a whole host of glowing vines grew out of and around it; rapidly slashing through the air before the shadow and themselves giving of a sickly red glow. With another odious [i]thump[/i] the convulsions subsided - and slowly, the Shadow straigthened its back, leaving its exposed heart in full view of the intruders. And after another [i]thump[/i], its golden eyes fixed themselves on them.