Aulfr paced by his window while he waited for the healer man to finish with Aleksandra. After nearly hurting the man, he removed himself- seeing her so frail, underneath another man, it did things to him that shouldn't be done to him. So he didn't want to watch. The healer man knew what was at stake- if he messed something up, he'd had the wrath of Volsung, who had already been rumored to kill everyone who opposed his decisions, and his followers take over. When the man finally told him that Aleksandra should make a recovery, and "To be careful; she's all up on the medicines!" So naturally he walked over to her, and stopped dead when she giggled. He stared at her for several moments, watching in wonder and confusion as it dawned on him that the medicine had effects that he hadn't mentioned. And while he didn't appreciate the lack of warning, there was something especially... endearing about Aleksandra, and her spider hands. About how open and happy she was, even if it wasn't her-her. He stared at her, again, even more wide-eyed than usual. And for once, his face looked open, friendly, even, as if he weren't as hardened. As if he were just as innocent. Then his face closed up again, so to speak, but it still retained some of its former softness- and he did as she wanted. He gently sat down next to the writhing girl- because she was of the size, and was certainly acting a little like it- and leaned down over her. He pressed her back against the bed, hans on her shoulders. "Calm, yes, horrifying spiders, I see them. Don't move, now, okay Aleksandra? Wouldn't want your... boo-boo to hurt more, do you? It will hurt a lot if you move too much, okay? Don't move for me, now, Al-ee, okay?" He brushed the hair out of her face, half because of his excuse that he didn't want her breathing it up her nose or something, mainly because he wanted to.