Aulfr jerked awake, slightly, confused for a moment, but then settled back down. He noticed Aleksandra at once- he stared at her, widely for a moment, before realizing that she probably didn't have a single clue what happened last night. He knew this because she gave him her usual stare, instead of the one that suggested she had said something that she'd probably find horrifying. 

For some reason, this made him grin- an almost maniacal look on his normally stoic or primarily passive face. He smiled so widely that he remembered it had been YEARS since he had smiled, really. Not even with Aleksandra had he smiled so much- but now he was. Because she said he loves him, and that she's his, and she doesn't even [i]know[/i].

But he said nothing to her questioning look- just slipped away from her with a gentle care, giving her a amusement-laced "Medsman said to stay relatively well put 'till you stop feeling horrible."

He got up and walked around the room several times, picking up and setting down random objects, still grinning like a fool. And that was because, dammit, he was [i]being[/i] a fool. He tried being mad at himself, but it didn't work. He ignored all attempts by Aleksandra to get what was on his mind out; at this point, she was probably terrified of what had happened the night before, to put such a grin on the infinitely stoic-or-pissed Aulfr. And eventually, he decided to tell her. 

So he about-faced abruptly, walked over to her, and leaned down over the bed, looming over her, still grinning- a happy grin, surprisingly charming, disarming, relaxing, even. And he spoke. 

"You told me some things. Oooh, you'd hate yourself if you remembered what you told me. Truly and honestly."