Aulfr's grin grew impossibly wide, as his eyes practically glittered with amusement. Her little lip-bite did nothing more but improve on his already extraordinary mood, and he raised an eyebrow at the gesture. What was even more eyebrow-raised was her threat, insult, and then smooch all wrapped up into a minute. "What did you say? Hmm. Well, you repeated that I was yours, several times, and that I must like you a lot, and that..." His grin faded, replaced by a more serious, still plenty open Aulfr. "That I worried over you, and that I didn't want you to die. Then you went on about how you thought you didn't care about me, see, because you never worried. And then on to you being proud of me... and knowing that I was strong. That I know when to be hard and when to be soft..." At this point, he was dangerously emotional. He was an honest man; if he disliked someone, they knew it. If he wanted them dead, they were likely already dead. Et cetera. And he wasn't about to hide what someone told him, just because they didn't remember. "You told me that I was gruff, but kind, and honorable. And then..." He paused here, and stared at Aleksandra, [i]really[/i] stared at her, serious and waiting for a response. "You said, '[i]Maybe that's why I love you so much.[/i]' And if what you said was actually you, and not some hallucination, then you'd certainly believe that I'm being honest." He gave her another grin- but this was more closed, apprehensive, nervous even.