He switched from nervous to a wry smile. He mentally joked that he'll just get her drunk again; she'll be happy to snuggle then. But then again, she [i]does[/i] need to build up her alcohol tolerance... it's no good if one can get all one' secrets if they just give one a small cup of alcohol. It'd be for her own good, and his own. He mentally laughed to himself; he'll enjoy trying to build up her tolerance. But for now, he just stared down at the Ardanian, holding still as she moved close. He waited until she dropped back onto her pile of cushion, before taking his turn. He gently took her face in one of his hands, tilting it slightly for a better angle, and tenderly leaned in for a small kiss. By all means, he disregarded what she said; he had it in mind, but he was never one to let go of something he wanted. And right now, he wanted Aleksandra. He kissed her again, and then a third time, before raising up slightly to stare at her. Responding in his own rough Ardanian, "I am not going [i]anywhere.[/i] It's my own castle anyhow. And you do, pretty much, belong to me." He gave her a smile again- but it was his usual smile, a small wry one.