A few days passed in a blur of throbbing pain and furious protests of, 'I don't need help to walk. No, it doesn't hurt. You're acting like my [i]anya[/i].' Finally, on the fifth day after stumbling into Aulfr's rooms, her horrid temper got the best of the healer and he let her roam around with strict orders not to do any fighting. There would be a feast that night, so she doubted she'd be doing anything more strenuous than rolling her eyes. As per usual, she dressed in much less extravagant colors than Aulfr and the foolish nobles. But maybe she was feeling a tad bored with her usual black and grey, because she picked a dress that was much more daring than the others. She'd been wasting money at that point, more to irritate Aulfr than for any other reason. But she had to admit, this dress would stun Aulfr's rivals and enemies. She told herself that was the reason she put it on, and not because she wanted Aulfr drooling over her. It was decidedly more sensual than the other dresses she'd worn. Comprised almost entirely of deep green lace, and with a very low-cut back that would showcase her slender, athletic build as well as most of her scars. The bodice was stiff enough that it held up her generous bust but not so much so that it was hard to breathe, and it also bared her shoulders and collarbones. Mixed in with the skirts were playful white panels of lace that peeked out every so often. The ensemble deepened the grey in her eyes and made her look much less pale. All in all, she looked stunning. By the time she finished with her usual light touch of cosmetics and she'd concealed her daggers, she looked as if she'd never been injured at all. She stepped up to Aulfr's side and glanced up at him, feeling unusually shy. He was escorting her into the dining hall for this feast, and it gave her the most moronic urge to giggle. Like she was a princess going to a ball, she thought. A ridiculous and dangerously political ball.