[h3][color=SkyBlue][u]Gen Itoshi[/u][/color][/h3] [i]Sunday, May 31[sup]st[/sup] - 2015[/i] [i]Warakuma Recreational Center[/i] Masahide sat down and kind of... napped? That appeared to be the case. Gen tried to blame it on his glasses, but what Yamato said confirmed his suspicions. Wow he must really be tired, Gen thought, sleeping in a public place like that. It was not like he was infringing any laws, unlike Gen who, with a certain [i]someone[/i], practised in broad daylight with [i]swords[/i]. Okay, they were not exactly swords, they were kamas, but they had edge and they were probably dangerous and illegal and stolen. The last one was not true, well, he did not know that, but most illegal stuff was stolen, so that conclusion was not too far off. [color=SkyBlue]"Ah, it's all right, but it's probably nothing compared to the big city,"[/color] Gen answered as to regain the appearance of a 'typical' conversation, but with a nodded-off Masahide in the surroundings, it was proving to be difficult. [color=SkyBlue]"If you want to see life, you could just hang out here or go to Ferrero Mall. Those are usually the most lively places,"[/color] he suggested. True, there were probably a couple more places, but it all depended on Yamato. The Center and the Mall were of fairly general interest. Gen noticed a rather nasty dust particle on his left lens, so he made it his duty to remove it. [color=SkyBlue]"So, you said you are from Okinawa, right? Is it very different from Warakuma?"[/Color] There could not be [i]that[/i] many differences, given that they were in the same country. As he spoke, he took out his glasses and a icy blue handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping the left lens clean. That dust particle was dead now, and- Oh [i]no[/i]. Instead of being eliminated, the particle spread through the entirety of the lense in a circle fashion, just like how he tried to wipe it off. That was a national scale tragedy, and he could not do without his glasses. [color=SkyBlue]"E-excuse me, but I have to use the bathroom,"[/color] Adding 'it's an emergency' would have made him sound ridiculous, but in essence it was true. He could break his neck if he did not mind where he stepped. He bowed shortly and sped to the restroom to get rid of the menace.