Aulfr poured himself a glass of wine, busy chatting with a strange young woman proposing several different offers for cooperation, in future dealings. He had, of course, probably a full gallon of wine already (exaggeration), but he nevertheless was still relatively clear headed. His tongue was just slightly loose; he found it odd that none of his new admirers never appeared when he was with Aleksandra, but he absently dismissed it in his current state. Instead, of course, he complimented them all, welcomed them to the castle and to the city, and inquired about their lives and all that good stuff. Then, of course, assassin happened. Just like that- he was sober. Mostly. He spun about, finding Aleksandra within half a moment- and quickly waved to her, as she nodded to him. It was just enough time to seem like was giving her a signal to go after the man, a small sign of his power, that he didn't really have. And he watched, tensely, even though there was nothing to see... And then relaxed tremendously when the scream was most definitely not Aleksandra's. No, if she screamed, he'd already be running, and she'd sound a great deal better, he thought. Either way, when she walked back in, suddenly confident and ready to face the entire room, as if she was now in [i]her[/i] element- which she was- made her look... beautiful. She came up to him, stood right up next to him, taking a sip of alcohol. And he knew she was feeling on top of the world, if she was willing to do that. So he spoke. "Hey, Aleksandra." And she glanced up at him. And he leaned down and kissed her, right in front of everyone, drawing a great big gasp- and a surprising number of definitely approving Noxan cheers/roars.