Aulfr's smile was a suddenly permanent feature on his face- and, based on some of the girl's giggling, it suited him well [or made him look ridiculous]. Based on the rest of the women who was interested in him- well, they were furious. How else could they compete with a woman who so obviously had Aulfr interested? More than one woman stomped away, some of them planning on becoming even more savage and impressive than Aleksandra- as if that'd ever happen. But Aulfr let Aleksandra walk away, after using his sleeve (something that made many an uptight man burn with anger) to wipe away the blood on her face. And then he turned right back to the crowd, and started chatting rather amiably with a sudden burst of interested men, men who were attracted to Aleksandra for the same reason, men who were curious as to their relationship- and many who wanted to ally themselves with the deadly couple. Aulfr, personally, had never felt happier. He was making new allies, he was making major ripples, and even now, many ladies weren't wearing the norm- favoring more single-colored, silky dresses versus the thicker, more traditional dresses women used to wear. He could have clapped in glee, if he weren't so serious, even when happy. He noticed quite a few of his cheerers going over to introduce themselves to Aleksandra- an ancient ritual of trying to steal one's prospective mate. They will show off a bit, whether physically or intellectually, and by unspoken tradition, Aulfr must allow them. And then his father approached him. "Oberjarl-blood, my compliments on the grand feast we have here. Have I provided entertainment enough, though unscheduled?" Aulfr asked, surprisingly innocent. Oberjarl Bjorn appeared, to say the least, stressed and perturbed. Perhaps because it was his assassin that is now dead. "Yes, of course, quite a... prospect you have there. Surely you don't mean to [i]court[/i] the Ardanian, now do you? I don't think the men will take kindly to-" The Oberjarl is, naturally, cut off as a hearty roar erupts from the man talking to Aleksandra- one that a Noxan can translate into "I APPROVE!" Aulfr just gave the Oberjarl a smile, and walked off towards his partner, leaving the leader of his nation hanging, helpless to stop the rapid decline of his influence.