[b]Name:[/b] Victor Cannae [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Erde [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0fcWhZyGXEMWjZfZEJXX0xpNDg/edit?usp=sharing]Victor Cannae[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Ability:[/b] Earthbending [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Halberd [b]Biography:[/b] Victor grew up as the second of three children in a modestly wealthy, and very traditional, family, never getting quite as much attention from his parents as either his brother or his sister. He was more than okay with this, however, as it gave him more time to himself and opportunities to observe the behaviors of those around hims, which became one of his most common pastimes at an early age. With his father grooming his older brother to eventually take over the business, and his mother trying to teach his younger sister the more delicate arts in the hopes that she may one day grow into a "proper lady," Victor was often left to his own devices. This often meant that he would find a good perch from which to watch the people of Erde go by and just see what he could learn by observing. When he eventually found himself on a perch overlooking the training yard of one of the barracks, he was enthralled by both the bending and combat training going on below him, and wound up returning to that same perch every day for the next couple of weeks, memorizing the practice routines and mimicking them later so that he could be like all the men in their fancy uniforms. A captain of the guard soon began to notice the little face watching from his perch nearly every day, and called him down to talk. After hearing Victor's story, he scrawled out a brief note, which he then sealed and handed to Victor with instructions to take the letter to a certain old friend of the captain the next day. Victor then nodded and started running home, stopping to turn back and throw something very closely resembling a guardsman's salute at the captain before carrying on the rest of the way home. When he followed the captain's instructions the next day, he found himself knocking on a door decorated with a dragon winding through a field of white flowers. The man who answered seemed slightly older than the captain, and was rather gruff until Victor showed him the seal on his letter, at which point he invited Victor in to a sitting room while he broke open the letter and scanned through it. He then said that, while he wouldn't normally take such a young pupil, he trusted the captain's opinion, and would give Victor a chance. Victor was to report to him when the sun rose each morning, and stay to learn until the sun had set. Over the following years, the Victor progressed from basic staff-work through to practice with real halberds, and from basic meditation exercises to center himself and bend more efficiently to full-on bending combat trials designed to see how long he could last before his own bending broke him and push him further. He eventually grew stagnant with the defensive nature of the combat he was learning, and asked his teacher what he would have to do to learn other styles, in case there was ever a situation in which the mostly defensive techniques he was being taught would not be sufficient. Pleasantly surprised by the question, his teacher told him that him asking that question was sufficient, and that he was ready to go out in search of a new teacher. He then dug out a small token, about the size of a coin, telling Victor to look for the dragon on his door, and that, as long as he had the token, or his teacher's name, a new teacher would not be too far to find. Over the next few days, he continued training with his teacher on a lighter schedule, using the extra time to make arrangements before he left. On the day of his 16th birthday, Victor finally left the city, going out to explore and learn, getting work when he could to supplement his funds, working as anything from hired help to a mercenary, occasionally finding his teacher's dragon painted on a door or wall. He would sometimes find a new teacher there, though he never stayed with them very long (maybe a couple of months at most), and he would also often find jobs there, some of which would have him working with other types of benders. When between teachers, Victor would revert to his childhood method of learning by simply observing those around him and mimicking their techniques until he could incorporate them into his own. [b]Special Information:[/b] Has been maintaining his original teacher's strict training regimen, including meditation and bending practice, to continue improving both his stamina and proficiency. Has also been observing the styles of very different benders, attempting to incorporate their bending techniques into his earthbending. After working a job or two alongside benders who could work with metal, and hearing their stories claiming origins from a long-forgotten earthbender, who supposedly developed the new technique while still a child, he has also been determined to teach himself metalbending (though the progress on that particular front has been rather slow, requiring large amounts of effort for relatively little return, especially in comparison with his normal earthbending).