[quote=@Cultural Titan] [@Frengo] Sounds like getting that sword out of the hands of the king will be important to both sides, to the light to get it in the hands of a more competent swordsman and the dark to keep it from cutting into our dark lord. Divine Empathy makes it very hard for anyone to get away with self serving actions without previous kings having encouraged such behavior. Or Do I misunderstand the power? Also in that paragraph you spell the last name as oakenshielf, thought you might want to touch that up And yeah they have at least three kids as described in the first post. You may need him to be a tad older... a lot older to accommodate children old enough for combat. Though don't take it up with me probably best to take it up with White Feather sometime later. [/quote] First of all, it's a draft that needs a bit of fattening up and a bit of correcting, so do forgive the odd inconsistency or grammar mistake - I'm going through it as we speak. Point one, regarding the sword - Yes, I'll give it a more of a history as soon as I've got a moment, but basically it's going to be ancient sword brought over by Ferof Oakenshield a few generations ago (that'll be a story in itself if I ever get the time!), that was crafted by Elfkind to destroy fallen demi-Gods. Either side that possesses it will be in an advantage only when it comes to slaying powerful creatures - it will not single handily fell armies. Point two, the whole point of the Kingdom's fall is basically that the Kings and Queens have (not always) allowed things to become this bad - perhaps not through bad intent, but through bad management. Also, I imagine a magic user (I assumed this RP would have them from what I have gathered from the intro post) might be able to shield themselves, or others, from it to hide their actions. Therefore a spell like Divine Empathy is fatally flawed if A) the user doesn't really care for someone's motives so long as it serves them, or B) the person they are trying to read spins them a lie through magical means. Point three, like I say, if the king needs to be older then I'll make it so. I just thought a step-brother/uncle as the Crown Prince might make things interesting, especially if they were after the throne themselves - or even if not, their loyalty would certainly be put to the test if the King continued to ignore their council. [quote=@Leslie Hall] What if the Prince and princesses were the children of my queen and the old king? [/quote] That'd work, if you're happy with such an idea. That'd also create some wonderful tension between the King, the Queen's children, and the Queen. Would be one ugly hate triangle.