[quote=@Cultural Titan] [@Leslie Hall] You don't understand. The current king as written is the son of the last king right? So if the princes are the children of the current queen and the old king... then your character married their own son. [@Frengo] The grammar corrections are not intend as a slight. Just to try and be helpful. You will probably find my own grammar quite terrible in time. The sword being able to cut through enchanted armor is important for one particular reason. The Dark lord has super enchanted armor. I have no problem with its level of power myself and in fact its existence should be quite a useful tool in creating conflicts. [/quote] Wasn't taken as a slight! Sorry if it came across that way - ah the perils of trying not to express emotions through the medium of text :P Well, every fantasy setting needs a magical sword... you can't do without one! It's okay though, I don't intend for the King to go on a Dark Lord slaying mission. Alternatively, I would urge any writer that has his/her character gain access to it, not to ruin the story by going on some kind of OP killing spree. Edit: On the whole marrying thing though - that's a bloomin' good point there ole chap. Well there's a spanner in the works if I ever saw one. But hey, let's see what the guy in charge has to say. I am carrying 80% of the lore here, and I'd rather he or she stepped in to either smack me down or raise me up before we start casting the plot in iron.