​ Name: Dahlia Thurgood Age: 35 Gender: Female Race: Witch Side: Light Weapon(s): Staff, made out of wood. Abilities/Powers: Her magic, enhanced by her staff, is pretty powerful but she can't use it to kill. Talent(s): Tracking, regardless of her magic abilities Personality: Dahlia is a happy person, she enjoys people and she enjoys being around people. She helps whenever she can and while she isn't naive, she's will trust someone until someone gives her reason not too. Biography: Dahlia was born to a mother who didn't want her and a father who was too dead to care. Her magic was hereditary, and both her parents had it, but her mother didn't care to teach her about her powers. A young witch with no control of her powers is dangerous, and she hurt a lot of people before her grandmother found her. Her grandmother gave her the staff she uses now. It channels her powers to do what she wants it to do. Years of training made obsolete due to this staff. It's only restriction is that she couldn't use it to kill, only for protection. After she had her staff, she was much more in control. Occasionally her magic flares around her, when she's emotional but for the most part she's one of the most powerful beings she knew, simply due to her ability to think about what she wants to happen and it does. She travelled far and wide, and became an acclaimed healer. Eventually she came to the royal family, and became an apprentice to their own healer, learning more than just magically remedies but for the majority of her cases she uses her magic. Extras: -------- Well that didn't take forever or anything.