[quote=@Leslie Hall] I have another proposal for the King/Queen thing. I could write my character to be a young Princess from another kingdom that married into Celakor Royalty through Oliver. Oliver's mother would still exist, but she wouldn't be recognised as the official Queen anymore. At least that way we can still have the Prince and Princesses be related to Oliver even though they aren't his children; and I don't have to marry my son. [/quote] I can attack the whole subject from another angle if needs be; a reluctant Crown Prince thrust into the running of the Kingdom by the assassination of his brother, the King (by the Dark Lord, no less?). That way I could place him at any age, and the Queen can have all the non-incestuous babies she could ever want. But we'll wait for the commander-in-chief's thoughts on the subject. If anyone else wants a crack at this whole king thing, then be my guest! I'm just trying to be helpful, but that in no way means I am the best for the job. Judge me as you see fit :D Anywhos, I've gotta run, wont be around for a few hours so I'll check back then and see what's what. Later gators.