[hider=The Silent Guardian][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Allucard (The Silent Guardian, The Architect of Thought, The Former Spymaster) [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Unspeakably Old [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Presumed to be Male [u][b]Race:[/b] [/u] Undead Construct [u][b]Side:[/b][/u] Light-Royalty [u][b]Weapons(s):[/b][/u] [i]Sol - The empty hilt of a dagger with a missing blade it is accompanied by its twin, its purpose at first glance eludes most until shown by the user who wields it. Under the hands of a mentalist a psionic blade can be created which can interact with psychical material and can mentally cause pain while leaving no physical wounds. It is said that the dagger under a steady and careful hand can cleanse away the past lives of a person by cutting away even the deepest of memories inside there head, purifying them but requires a long amount of time to complete the ritual. Luna - The sister of the dagger Sol who too is simply a hilt for a dagger at first glance with seemingly no purposeful use for anyone. Within the of one capable of using psychic abilities can create a blade forged by the mind which can cause pain mentally to the victim but no physical scars to show for. The dagger has been known for rewriting the memories of those that have been purified by its twin by preforming a delicate ritual which carves the victims mind with a believable backstory behind them. Umbra - A broadsword with no blade and only a empty hilt, the purpose of the weapon is unknown to most warriors who sees the weapon. When the sword is wielded with one who possesses psionic powers are able to create a blade with their mental power. Creating a broadsword whose blade is sharper and stronger than normal metal, it only becomes stronger depending on Allucard's willpower and determination. The more willful he is the stronger and sharper the sword becomes, but if he is doubting himself, broken or poisoned then the blade will weaken to match his willpower and determination. [/i] [u][b]Abilities/Powers: [/b][/u] [i]Resurrection - The means of revival through the usage of a phylactery which the raw power of his mind and willpower will return his soul back to to the phylactery, and his body will be recreated and pieced back together with this raw force. This mean of resurrection is very unique due to the fact that Allucard has master the painful process of bringing himself back from the dead not by evil means but by brute determination from himself. Should his phylactery be destroyed it is entirely possible for him to drag his body if it is destroyed back from the dead by challenging the very forces of death itself. Psionic - During his life Allucard was a master of tapping into his mind and using his latent psychic abilities he had and was able to use it both in battle and outside of it. The ability of his psionic powers were always strong but how determined the practitioner was also influenced the strength of their ability. With Allucard also being gifted with a resilent will able to resist many things that would break a normal man or woman will. Mainly for telekinetic purposes such as creating blade forged from his mind if needed during combat, or simply as a mental wall of brute force to push back enemies. However, there are also underhand techniques that are used with psychic powers such as illusions and hallucinations that effect the mind of others making it possible for feats such as 'invisibility'. Magery - While a user of his mind, the usage of magic was always something closely related to the ability of psionics. The use of a person's will to affect the world around them were the major bridge that connected the two seemingly foreign and different abilities. Allucard as a magician was always to preform the basics of major branches of magic, but with his clever mind he was always capable of making chain reactions to create bigger effects. Royal Guardian - All Royal Family members both born and married into the bloodline are capable of summoning Allucard to defend him. Offering a bit of their blood as sacrifice to summoning him, he is capable of either completely letting himself come to their aid or branch off his consciousness and create a illusionary clone to defend them while he also handles another problem. When his consciousness is split, his psionic prowess drops massively and his physical ability decreases as well. [/i] [u][b]Talent(s): [/b][/u] Intelligence/Cunning - Once as the kingdom's spymaster who rightfully resigned the position after he passed away, he was known to achieve that position due to his combination of his acuity and how creative his mind was, being suited for the job. Using his own skill set to cover all his bases while taking advantage of the perks he had an advantage in. Mental Stamina - Being buried under stress when the chances of war was likely took a role in developing Allucard's impressive ability to stay diligent under a week's worth of work on top of him. Training his mind to have keen attention on every little detail and preform the same actions over again and again both easy ones along with more rigorous ones. Illusionary Swordsman - Combining the efforts of his psionic ability and his above-average swordsman skills had allowed his to make his style of fighting more tricky and difficult to fight against. Using illusions to distract and confuse his opponents while mentally disrupting them further with his blades to further drag them down into a mental breakdown before he can actually kill them. [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u] Allucard was a honorable person who served the Kingdom both as its former spymaster and now as its Kingsguard who defends the royal family during death. His stoic personality is due to his age of seeing things that has affected him before that hindered him at doing his job. Deeming it necessary to lose his heart to avoid any further complication has turned himself into a cold guardian for the royal family. With his cunning mind filled with knowledge of several lifetimes, he is perhaps the only Kingsguard who is this deeply devoted in the Royal family along with being the oldest Kingsguard. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Allucard was never supposed to become one worthy enough to become one of the Kingsguard, those who protected the royal family. In fact his social standing was on the opposite side of the spectrum, he wasn't even a farmer but a street rat with a canny ability to steal. Learning how to survive in the world by stealing from others that had more than enough. Slowly gaining in wealth by stealing until he was inevitably caught one day, where under pressure of the verdict of death, he unlocked and tapped the powers within his mind. His latent powers were more than enough to knock the guards that were cornering him out cold. And with his new found abilities, his stealing spree only continued with the new abilities that he unlocked. Learning more and more as he developed his mental prowess through practice by stealing more and more until enough attention was thrown at his way. In order to solve this minor crisis of a thief out of control, a kingsguard was sent in to solve the problem and help stabilize the area once again for the king, so he wouldn't have to worry over minor problems like these. The kingsguard who was sent to stop Allucard was called Anthony who would seen be teaching Allucard. But first, the meeting between the boy and the knight was an awkward chase which lead into Allucard being caught despite his years of avoiding getting caught so easily. Escorting Allucard to the prison, Anthony was intrigued by the young boy who was considered a problem at the market place and decided to risk testing what the boy was made of. To say the least, Allucard was obviously defeated by the older man with more training than a simple thief in a marketplace could ever acquire. But never the less some good cards were played by Allucard who reveal his ability as a mentalist and tried to take the kingsgaurd out at once but ultimately failed. Seeing a good bunch of talent locked within this troublesome kid, the kingsguard decided to train the young lad so he could make use of such skills that would of been wasted. So this was the beginning of squire-hood where Allucard was the servant basically for Anthony his teacher who would teach him to use the sword and with his connections, train him also how to use his psionic powers. With years of training underneath his teacher, his fast and studious mind allowed himself to quickly be promoted into a knight where he carried his own weight gratefully. Under his own time that he had to himself, he spent the years as a kingsguard serving the king as one of his more shady knights. Preforming tasks that needed to be taken into the night with discretion, in a nutshell he was one of the assassins for the royal family. Killing people that threatened the family from the outside, while countering information that he heard to protect the royal family from being exposed of their secrets. During this period of his life, he grew more intuned with his psychic powers and learned how to use them more effectively to even silently kill his targets. His experience as a kingsguard along with being an assassin was more than enough to allow Allucard the short time of having the position of Spymaster to test his skills. Which he took very seriously, learning even more on top of his previous skill set allowed him to expand his arsenal. Training his mind even more to become diligent and handle the darker side of the kingdom's business. Protecting the kingdom from many unseen threats before, saving the people from the unknown terror that might of appeared. However as the spymaster of the kingdom, he was a near irreplaceable person in the kingdom who preformed his job in order to protect the kingdom. A handler of sensitive information that many people couldn't hear due to the lack of trust that the royal family had about their secrets being handled by many people. When a simple slip in the system caused a massive disruption in the life of Allucard, he futilely tried to cover the mistake and set up counter measures for the plan. But due to his focus on his mistakes and what information he had, he completely neglected what he didn't know as was assassinated while the decoy plan was distracting the traps that was meant for the assassins. His sudden death was the main factor in Allucard believing that he could of done better, feeling guilty for doing not his best for the kingdom he defied the grips of death. Struggling to live on in his dying body, he killed his assassins and began to find a way to preserve his body. Finding a suitable object, he used the last of his energy to transfer his mind and soul into the phylactery before his body died shortly after. The resurrection process took several decades as it required Allucard to gather the energy needed to create a new body. But after being brought back to life, he hid his phylactery and went back to the kingdom to pledge his loyalty once again but now with an unwavering and undying devotion. [u][b]Extras: [/b][/u] [/hider] [hider= (WIP)][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Visas Shadowsong [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Appears 26 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Undead Elf [u][b]Side: [/b][/u] Neutral Dark [u][b]Weapons(s): [/b][/u] Cursed Bow: Artemis - The cursed bow of Artemis was the heirloom of an old family known as the Shadowsongs who once served the Royal Family as their rangers and sometimes even as one of the Kingsgaurd. They were the kingdom's most skilled rangers who used a variety of ranged weapons and were unbeaten by none in terms of skill. To prove this point, the family invested all of their pride into creating a bow that showed their supreme talent for the weapon. So with their Mages and blacksmiths they under a full moon, forged the Artemis, a silver bow which was imbued and trapped with the light of the Moon. The bow itself was a mirror that reflected its creators and was capable of speaking to the trees of the forest and even to the animals that lived in them. The bow was the fruit of the family's pride and would seen give their most prized object to the archer whose skill surpassed their peers and teachers. There was no limit on age who could receive the bow, as long as they were capable of defeating those who wished to get the bow as well. However when the Visas, the wielder of the bow fell in battle and was corrupted, so was the majestic bow Artemis. Twisting and turning the beauty of the bow into a dark silver which radiated the creeping aura of dread and doom. It's presence was capable of inflicting its corruption upon the land as well, causing a trail of death to follow wherever the bow travels to. [u][b]Abilities/Powers:[/b][/u] Hollow Arrows - The Cursed Bow Artemis corruption is capable of spreading onto the arrows used to fire from it, causing ammunition used for the Bow to becomes pitched black imbued with dark burning energy. This dark energy imbued within the arrows are capable of piercing through magical defenses by burning opposing magical forces. This dark energy also inflicts more damage for the shot as taint spreads through the victim's body if it lands. This taint also burns that victim's magical energy storage that they use to perform spells causing a burning sensation from within to happen as well. Life Drain - Visas with physical contact is capable of draining the life-force of her victims. Healing her wounds that have been afflicted on her while paralyzing her victim as the shock of life draining away from them is traumatic. If she should drain more than what's necessary to recover from her wounds, an eerie green shield appears around her that blocks damage. Dark Magic - With the powers of nature failing them, Visas and her family took up the art more suited for their form. Necromancy which was more attuned to their undead forms, and grew to become competent with the magic. With Visas being decently skilled in controlling and raising her own dead or applying curses that would harm their victims. Ex-Druid - The Shadowsongs were all capable of using nature magic to assist them. Moving through the trees and plants without difficulty or askings for the help of animals in their business. Or even causing the roots of plants to tangle their foes, however Visas and her family's ability to commune with nature fell when they were turned to all undead. Talent(s): Master Archer - Visas Shadowsong was the daughter of the main family who won the bow Artemis for her skill that passed her peers and elders. Her right to wield the legendary bow was tested time and time again by her family along with other challengers from the outside, but she never failed. She is capable of performing any kind shot as long as it is possible. Shadows of the Ranger - Once the Shadowsongs were rangers capable of using the forces of nature to assist them. But after the events of them becoming undead, they lost their ability to commune with the powers that helped them when they were alive. However, some practical skills remained as Visas and her remaining family were capable of melding into even the lightest of shadows. Or to track and hunt down targets without the forces of nature or assistance of animals to help them. Personality: Biography: Extras: anything you feel is important to add, but doesn't fall under the above categories. [/hider]