For my own sanity and to keep track of everything... So our Characters currently include: A dark lord who is basically a chaos marine sorcerer with a vendetta against the nobility. An assassin with a mind to kill everyone of high enough authority. A walking talking ghost story also with a vendetta against the nobility. A necromancer with a second major in plague magics. A preist who believes Ahzek is in fact god. An elf who should never have been hired as a kingsguard. The king, who may yet go through a revision. A good witch (Not a bad witch(This is a benefit of language)). And an undead Kingsguard I have yet to fully read. Additionally there are four planned light characters Avanhelsing has stated interest in the second prince. Leslie Hall is interest in making the queen and a royal confidant. I am interested in making a kingsguard. And one planned dark character from Silly Goy that I assume is still a contender for commander. Which actually brings the totals, assuming all characters are completed and accepted to 5 dark characters, 8 light characters and one other. Not what I was thinking it would end up being actually.