[quote=@SillyGoy] You know, I was hoping that our Dark Lord would be more serious, and not an uninspired ripoff of a well-known Warhammer 40k character. No, not awesome. It's an insult. The rest of us are trying to at least make something original, and all you do is plop an image of a space marine and come up with a half-arsed backstory where he falls into a well and becomes a dark archmage for no reason. My incomplete character, Vizir, at least had to [i]go to school[/i] to learn some magic; Kalar Splint actually had a reason to found the Rangers and went through a soul-searching revenge phase; King Furlong is a monarch by birthright, but Ahriman version 0.01a pre-alpha just falls into a well and now he's a master elementalist [i]and the man whom we must [b]kneel and bow to?[/b][/i] No way, dude. [/quote] [img]http://i.giphy.com/1ofR3QioNy264.gif[/img] Cough... Sorry... Anyways, I might hop onto this! Is there a position for one of the royals open? From what I read, I believe the princess position is still there?