[color=purple][b]"Good luck with that,"[/b] a young voice called from where she was sitting on the round chair, phone in hand. Isabel was quickly texting away, gazing at the phone with a huge grin on her face. [b]"I already tried asking. Though maybe that's because I'm just too useless to be any help."[/b] A sort of somber look crossed her expression for a brief moment before she suddenly took a swig from her dull, obviously very-used flask. Then she snapped the phone shut and leapt to her feet. [b]"BUT the party is almost ready to start, anyway! Why don't we listen to something a bit more upbeat?"[/b] Without a second though, she hurried over to the radio and sifted through the music until she found one that was loud and blaring. Turning it up, she jumped up onto the couch beside Jada and began to dance wildly, laughing and giggling. Yes, Isabel was already [i]slightly[/i] tipsy. Actually, she always seemed to be in a mild state of euphoria, these days, thanks to that trusty flask of hers. It was hooked onto the belt of her sexy pirate costume, fitting in nicely with her current appearance, but not-so-nicely at school. Her large, puffy white shirt hung low in all of the right places, as the red corset she wore vastly accentuated her petite frame. A pleated skirt wrapped around her waist to hang over her backside, yet revealing long and slender legs in the front. Yet somehow, the heeled boots and traditional captain's hat had already found their way onto the floor near the door. Isabel may have been even more drunk than usual, as she knew that tonight was the night. It made her nervous and scared and all kinds of other things she did not want to be feeling. Especially sad. Tonight was not a night to feel sad. So, she made sure to bring something extra-special to get them all through the night. As she remembered this, she gave a loud gasp and jumped from the couch to run to her bag. [b]"OH! Holly! I forgot, by the way... I brought something extra-special!"[/b] With a sly grin, she held out her backpack to her close friend. [b]"I got the good stuff!!!"[/b] Inside was a bottle of Captain Morgan's Spice Rum. Fitting, actually, but she had managed to sneak it from her father's cupboard before school, once they had both left for work. It was a decently-sized bottle, and a miracle that no one had caught her with it during class.[/color] [color=gold]Colton walked in from the restroom, covering his ears. [b]"Augh! Turn that crap down! If you're gonna blast music, at least play something good..."[/b] His eyes flickered around the room, observing the group. This was a very stressful night, but everybody was playing it off as if nothing was wrong. He just couldn't understand. How were they hiding their feelings so well? At the thought of seeing Rosie again, his insides were... shuddery, to say the least. Good or bad, he couldn't tell. Tonight he was dressed in a dorky Peter Pan getup - a cute way of supporting his girlfriend in her costume choice. The dark brown tights clung tightly to his toned legs and body, draped by a cheesy neon-green tunic and a matching brown belt. He hadn't really had any preferance for Halloween, but Holly's eyes had lit up when they found it at the costume store. If it made her laugh and smile, it was the only thing he wanted to be for the holiday. Her happiness was what kept him going, especially now, since he had been struggling so much with Rosie's death. Hopefully she didn't know that, though... Colton had tried his best to hide just how sad he was. After all, she might get the wrong idea. They had only been together for a short while before Rosie died, and the last thing he wanted was for her to be jealous of her dead best friend... Plus, Holly had been dealing with this, too. He wanted to be there for her. Smiling sweetly, he approached Holly from behind and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, tenderly. [b]"You sure you don't need any help?"[/b] He asked, now the third person to approach her about party set-up. It wasn't like a huge party or anything (and hopefully it wouldn't be, if Isabel would keep her drunk ass off of her phone), so she didn't need to push herself so hard just for them. They were a pretty tight-knit group of people, so of course any of them would jump to each other's aid when they could. [b]"I'm really good at helping..."[/b] He mumbled playfully against her ear, resting his chin upon her shoulder. She was so cute when she was focused. Based on the amount of liquor she was pouring into the punch, he had a feeling that she was a bit tense about tonight. He wanted her to just relax and have a good time. If she wanted to talk to Rosie, fine. But he still thought messing with the dead was a bad idea...[/color]