This is still a major work in progress. I haven't even gotten around to her equipment, her abilities and skills and her backstories. But I just thought I'd leave this here as a little outline of what I intend my queen to be like. I don't want to continue it until Feather makes a verdict on the lore being presented because I want to easily be able to edit this sheet without having to rewrite her history. [hider=Queen Lucinda][center][h2][color=plum]Lucinda Giséle[/color][/h2][color=MediumPurple]♚[/color] Queen of Celakor [color=MediumPurple]♚[/color] [img][/img] [h3][color=MediumPurple]"[/color][color=silver][i]The night ends, and dawn always comes[/i][/color][color=MediumPurple]"[/color][/h3][i]House Giséle Motto[/i] [color=silver]Character Theme |[/color] [url=][color=Plum]Scholar of the First Sin[/color][/url] [color=silver][i]Above is a painting of Lucinda that is hung within her chambers as well as the throne room of the castle. The portrait captures her likeness quite well, revealing her to be a woman with the reserved, proper posture expected from a Queen. She is of average height with quite a lithe figure. She has a very pale complexion, with soft, supple skin and delicate features. She has a very smooth, heart shaped face. Her thin lips are a light hue of, almost salmon like, pink; matching the rosiness of her cheeks. Her eyes are a deep hazel in color, curtained by long, prominent lashes that batter against her skin with every blink. Her beautiful, golden hair is braided neatly and tied into a bun all except for her fringe which perfectly frames her face. The pinnacle of beauty, Lucinda sports an appearance that causes even the strongest of men to quiver before her royal excellence, and is the topic of envy among her female subjects. Lucinda has never been one for extravagance, often turning her nose up at lavish, frilly gowns and uncomfortable corsets. She much prefers to wear a simple, white silk dress with an expertly embroidered lace collar and matching wrist cuffs. The sleeves of her elegant, yet simple attire stop at her forearm and drape down to her knees. She wears a silver necklace depicting the sun, and can usually be seen wearing the [url=]Crown of Dawn[/url] in place of the Celakor crown at court. These are mementos of House Giséle; a testament that despite where she stands, Lucinda will never forget where she hails from.[/i][/color][/center][hr][b][u]Family Name[/u][/b] | [i]Oakenshield[/i] [u]Maiden Name[/u] | [i]Giséle[/i] [u]Given Name(s)[/u] | [i]Lucinda Belle[/i] [u]Title/Alias[/u] | [i]Queen of Celakor, Mother of Dawn, Lady of Sunlight[/i] [u]Gender[/u] | [i]Female[/i] [u]Age[/u] | [i]25[/i] [u]Sexuality[/u] | [i]Heterosexual[/i] [b][u]House of Origin[/u][/b] | [i]House Giséle[/i] [u]House Motto[/u] | [color=MediumPurple]"[/color][color=silver][i]The night ends, and dawn always comes.[/i][/color][color=MediumPurple]"[/color] [u]Coat of Arms[/u] | [url=]House Giséle Crest[/url] [u]Description[/u] | [color=Silver][i]House Giséle is renowned as one of the largest, most influential families in the Kingdom of Celakor. Or at least, it was. Jealousy has always been the downfall of great Kings, leading them to commit atrocious acts in order to obtain what they do not have. In the case of the late King Oakenshield, what he desired was knowledge. Knowledge and power. What better place to obtain it, then House Giséle; home to some of the most brilliant, innovative minds in the kingdom? King Oakenshield, believing he was entitled to everything, demanded the secrets of the famed Giséle Sorcery. You see, members of House Giséle are taught to wield the unique power of the sun. By harnessing sunlight, they were able to achieve great feats of magic and healing that were not commonly available to humans. King Oakenshield desired this power, deciding that he was also entitled to claim the sun above his land itself. When the head of House Giséle refused to share the sacred secrets of his house, he sealed the fate of his kin. In one night - one blood soaked night, the King laid siege upon one of his most loyal houses and wiped them completely off the map. All save one girl. Lady Lucinda Giséle, the only daughter of the noble Head. Her beauty and kindness was well known, but not as renowned as her masterful power over sunlight even at such a young age. With the sole survivor of House Giséle, the King had obtained a servant with the remarkable power of sunlight coursing through her veins. This tragic event marked the removal of House Giséle as a Noble House. They lost their title, their land and most importantly; their legacy. It is believed that this horrific display of cruelty against his own people was a major trigger in the peoples desire to revolt against the corrupt King.[/i][/color] [b][u]Alignment[/u][/b] | [i][color=LemonChiffon]Light[/color][/i] [u]Race[/u] | [i]Human Mage[/i] [u]Likes[/u] | [i]Gardening, Reading and Ballroom Dancing[/i] [u]Dislikes[/u] | [i]Knights, Cramped Spaces, Extravagance[/i] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] | [i][color=Silver]Lucinda, as her appearance suggests, is a very proud and reserved woman. She's not afraid to speak her mind or offer her opinion on a subject. Her quick wits and silver tongue are her most fearsome tools against members of court who try to belittle her voice, and she is known to be quite defensive over her king. When dealing with the knights in her employ, Lucinda is understandably harsh towards them. After all, many of them were involved in her families massacre. To the rest of her subjects, Lucinda is a very pleasant and kind individual who enjoys spending her time listening to the pleas of the needy and doing whatever she can to assist them. She spent years watching the late King ignore his people, and she refuses to let the current King make that same mistake. She's an honorable person with a lot of love in her heart, especially for the Princes and Princesses. Even though she isn't their birth mother, she does her best to empathise with them and offer caring advice just like a real mother would. She despises the lavish parties and gathering that are often held. She smiles and appears invested for the sake of her King, but she'd much rather be reading in her chambers. Lucinda is often criticised by the other members of court for her insistence on bringing tradition from House Giséle into the Celakor Court. Lucinda does not wear the royal crown upon her head, instead choosing to wear her families Crown of Dawn; a reminder to the people of the cruelty the late King and his court inflicted upon their own loyal followers. Lucinda has quite a large following behind her within the common folk, and she intends to use the influence she has to further increase the peoples adoration for King Furlong; the only King she has known to be worthy of the people's love.[/color][/i][/hider]