[quote=@Agent B52] Oh my god, I'm having fun. SOMEBODY STOP ME! My very first post had a wizard driving a muscle car through the heavens, ON FIRE, with N0F4TCHX as a numberplate. So what if I really am having fun just playing a walking talking cliche in gauche armour. Yes it is a powerfantasy, yes it is a touch immature, yes it shall lead to an unfortunate and ill timed fiery demise. I. Do. Not. Care. I did not sign up for this RP to have a deep and emotional story arc, I signed up to become fantasy Doctor Evil. To become a foil and a walking talking plot device. To give the speeches, to lead the armies of doom, to give that Death Metal concert. Besides when the character fell in he was 16. In that abyss something horrible has been doing nothing but pouring Dark knowledge into his brain pan ever since (note his current age). How much is still really Ahzek after all that and how much it is just Darkness made manifest is up for debate. [/quote] You do not care? Well, I most certainly do, because your character does nothing but irk me and I am forced to interact with him when the IC starts. Do remember that roleplaying is a collaborative exercise and you have completely thrown away the serious tone of the first post just to write some completely out-of-the-blue character that has got no basis but ironic humor - not that there's anything wrong with such characters, but your character [i]is the dark lord[/i] while at same time being a [i]walking joke[/i]. Maybe if he were someone lower-ranking, I'd be fine with it - but I most certainly did not (and I think everyone else in this thread also did not) come into this roleplay just to poke fun at fantasy tropes. Look at all the other character sheets in the thread. The Queen's CS is amazing! Characters like her are what I had in mind for this RP. But yours is just so incredibly incongruous to the serious tone that was set in the GM's first post that it's just past the point of silliness, dude. Anyway, unless you provide us with a dark lord who isn't a ripoff nor a walking spigot of shallow humor, or somebody else does, I think might just withdraw from the RP.