"Damn man, where are you at?" The sultry male voice had said. Cain- As he liked to be referred to by his last name- had been waiting to enter the party. He was waiting for one of his favorite people to be around, Jackson, to arrive. Cain was dressed in a very realistic horror makeup that he had gotten for the party as well as a theatrical costume he managed to get from his mother's work. It was his plan to be the life of the party once again in a number of ways. Usually Cain would be inside drinking and dancing on a table right about now, laughing and having a good time with everybody. But this party, he intended to scare everybody. He had already planned the whole thing and was just waiting on an item he had asked Jackson to please bring for him. He looked down at his watch. The plans for the group were to have a little party, then watch some scary movies, and then use the Ouija board. That was his plan too, only that he would be showing up during the scary movie bit. Right after a big ghost scene, it was his plans to hit the breakers and then make his way through the house, and then of course try and get whoever was going to flip the breakers to play along. From there he would enter the dark hallway in his black attire and throw an extra planchette down the hall and into the room they would all be gathered at. All that would be left would be to send the new friend he would get back down the hallway with a fake knife in their back, and fall down. It would be a barrel of laughs, It was a spook party after all. He didn't believe in the supernatural, but he did believe in not messing around with the dead. All he needed from Jackson was that extra planchette. He stood outside the house near the bushes waiting with a sigh. "Damn, this is gonna be a long wait." The rest of them had gone home with Holly, but Cain went to his home to get himself changed and then came to the house.