Richard thought he was late as he got to holly's house. Noting the other backpacks in the foyer. he put down the schoolbag but kept the sportsbag over his other shoulder. He was dressed as a squire, he already had a full character history in his head if anyone wanted to hear it, most didn't care, Rosie did. It was funny to think about as he fingered the fob on his keyring, a [url=]rose[/url] from Rosie's keychain collection. She got it on the class trip to Disneyland where he started to crush on her, but She was already with Colton. When she died, her mom let them take something from the room as a keepsake, he took the fob and added it to his own matching one he got to try an impress her. Two hearts parted by glass. "Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner..." Quoting Dickens in the hallway wasn't the best of things for a party mood, but it did help him close the door again, as his therapist suggested. Suddenly he was drawn out of his revere by the blast of music through the house, it wasn't the phantom of the opera but it startled him all the same. Leaving the dead behind, he took his shoulder bag and came down the stairs. "Hey guys, I talked to one of the goths and got their ouija board. The new-agers didn't have one but one of the girls gave me a protective candle to ward off unwanted spirits... its a tea light with a star made from five splinters of a coffins lid, or toothicks, one of the two. Holly, I got some wire for you from the A/V and computer club, Doug says 'Hi'. Colt, I told Doug [i]you[/i] said 'Hi' back for Holly." He swallowed hard when he finally really saw Isabel's costume or lack thereof. That was a booty to plunder! He laughed out loud at the joke in his head and made his way to settle down besides Jada on the same couch but the bag between them as a respectable distance and started pulling out the horror movies. Lots of old Basil Rathbone and Vincent Price stuff. He had a change of clothes in the bag as well as his dagger he couldn't wear on himself at school.